Looking to redesign and curious about cost

by vf8170
11 replies
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I'm wanting to redesign my blog about dogs and curious on what I can expect to pay?

I would like it rebuild from the ground up with new logo and all.

Has anyone hired someone to do this or anyone that does this type of work that could give me an idea of costs?

Dog related
Logo needed
Excisiting blog
Blog is more of a hobby
Not looking for Fiverr type work

#cost #curious #redesign
  • Profile picture of the author jemee
    I don't know have you used WordPress or not. If you use WordPress then you can select a perfect Theme and work with it. It may cost $49 to $100.
    But if you have a Website with pure HTML and CSS and want to redesign it. It may cost $200 to $500. It depends on how much pages you want to design.

    Wizard of WordPress, SEO and Marketing @ jeweltheme.com.

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    • Profile picture of the author vf8170
      Yes, it is Wordpress but I don't have the time to mess with the theme. Would rather have someone do it.
      I hate scammers and people who talk when not knowing what they are saying...
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hundreds of bucks into thousands Vince. From my developer's work and from the work my wife had done on her blog. Minimum hundreds, and if blog is lightweight, probably not much more.

    Good move on not going Fiverr route
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author vf8170
      Yea, it's light weight. Just want a nice looking blog.
      I hate scammers and people who talk when not knowing what they are saying...
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  • Profile picture of the author Fredbou
    You could use a ready-made template/theme from Themeforest cheaply and get a logo designed online, also quite cheap. A couple of themes to look at:


    KodeForest : Wp-petcare

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  • Profile picture of the author PhilHardaker
    5err might not be so bad if you don't hire the cheapest person. Alternatively, search for a local high school or college student.
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  • Profile picture of the author anwerashif
    I don't know why you have an allergy about Fiverr. But I start my small biz depending on Fiverr. Actually, you will get creative people there who are willing to spend their valuable time on your project. You'll need to have time to manage them and find the right individual candidate. It'll "Sweet as Sugar". Go ahead and hope your blog will be rocking
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  • Profile picture of the author ynef
    Like others have already told you, you need to put aside around $200 - $300 for this type of work.

    May I ask why you are so reluctant to use freelancers from Fiverr? You can easily get a logo done by a professional (or hobbyist) for around $10-$15.

    The rest would just be spent on developing your custom WordPress theme.

    Content writer, web developer, SEO consultant - Ynef's Portfolio

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  • Profile picture of the author Jackjohn01
    I am also curios about cost. Can anybody suggest me about cloud computing? If I want to have career opt in cloud computing then how much it will cost for hardware and implementation of that hardware?
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  • Profile picture of the author golam007
    hello vf8170,
    If you want buy wordpress theme all time select top level theme in themeforest .it is good for your proejcet.
    psd to wordpress per page without theme $100-$200 It depends on how much pages you want to design.
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  • Profile picture of the author sottile
    Good logo design doesn't come cheap. A logo is supposed to be your visual identity, and a lot more goes into the creation than simply making something in Photoshop. If you're looking to cut costs, I would definitely recommend buying a WP theme. They're fairly cheap and most are professional looking / serviceable. If this is more of a hobby for you, you may want to try looking into a graphic designer looking for experience for their portfolio. You would probably get a great deal for a logo.
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