4 replies
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Hey guys, i've had this store open for about a year and we market on all social media platforms, we run PPC ads also but nothing converts. I was curious to know if there's something missing from the website that is causing these extremely low sales.
#sales #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author ryanalexender
    Publish your content on website related to your niche and also promote on related niche sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author DanielBlue
    I just had a short look and have to say that this pink popup is very annoying and it looks like there is something missing. It's big but most parts are empty. And it pops ALL the time!

    From my experience if you run that much paid traffic like you are saying than there has to be something wrong with the products or the presentation of them. Also I can see no copy. You are just listing the stats of the products. So nothing that gets your visitors to say "yes, I need this and I need it now".
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  • Profile picture of the author Ranganath M
    Check if you have relevant traffic. Work on your landing page redesign. Always perform A-B testing before making any changes in LP
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11166716].message }}
  • Clickfunnels
    Send Them To A Landing Page First To Get Them Interested And Which Directs Them To The Store.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11166763].message }}

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