Legality of showing company information and legal liabilty of Website
Two queries:
1) Is it illegal to copy the names and addresses of companies from the yellow pages, incorporate them into your website, send them an email to inform them that they are now viewable on your website and ask them to edit and complete their profile? Are their confedentiality issues or since their company is already in the .com public Domain is there no infringement? I am trying to build up a data-base of company names as quickly as possible.
2) What are the legal obligations of a website to People who Register on the site, if any (i.e liability)? Is it limited? Are their specific things that the website owners must be aware of when dealing with company registrations? For e.g. our Website is simply a listing of companies to offer their Services to those seeking their services.
Would love to hear from you on this.

Ian Jackson -
Thanks - Reply
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