My 1st Affiliate website - seeking guidance

7 replies
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Can you all take a look at my webpage and (other than products, which I'm researching now) tell me what it needs - or what I need to take off. Critique Me!! Thanks in advance
#1st #affiliate #guidance #seeking #website
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Hey there Haley... Looked at your site. do me a favor. I want you to go look at the GAP, Walmart, Apple, and Targets website. Pay attention to the size of the logo and the amount of space the header section of their sites consume.

    While you are there, look at the page layouts. Pay attention to where products are listed on the page ( lower half ) the sections above are targeting specific needs.. school stuff fall fashion etc.

    You will see some pretty consistent patterns across all of them in terms of page layout and logo size and placement. They actually spend a kick ton of money to optimize all this stuff with testing etc. Because the patterfns are basically so universal within the big names of commerce you just have to understand they are doing it for a reason, and you should be emulating the same.

    Hope that Helps, and best of luck!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Agree with savidge4.
    Get some ideas from the established, well known brands and you will come up with a good looking site.
    Okay, here's one idea/suggestion: move the home, about us etc to the top of the page and insert image below. gl
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  • Profile picture of the author bOffers
    I liked the idea or, I would say, the consept of your site, but it was not obvious for me at a first sight. Let me explain, when I visited your main page I saw an image with sportsmen and lower I saw products reviews and it was very confusing. I didn`t understand whether this site was about workout or about products` reviews. But when I read the section "about us", I finally claryfied everything.
    Therefore, to make the idea of your site clear for each new host, I would place your accurately stated mission at the main page. What would this give you? Any new user who sees your site for the first time will understand who you are during the first seconds of their session.
    Signature | Top Dating, Nutra, Insurance, Sweeps, Crypto offers

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  • Profile picture of the author nabeelzahid
    Thanks full to you very good work
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  • Profile picture of the author ANJANBD
    insert an image slider and news ticker to your homepage it would be best.
    use nivo slider.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    What the guys above said Haley and I'd add 1 thing; nothing you add will help your site take off on its own But your persistent study of affiliate marketing, your practice, your creating and your connecting over months, then years, leads to the steady take off

    How you set up your site plays a small role in success. How you help folks, and befriend top people in your niche plays a huge part.

    Just adding buddy to give you clarity and the proper mindset on your journey.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author newebee
    I'd say, the website looks good, just put nice quality content there and you're good to go.
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