Is there a way to remove the email form after someone subscribed?

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On a WordPress site, does anyone know of a free way (a plugin maybe?) to remove the email sign up form after someone signed up? I mean they already joined the list so they don't need to see the signup form over and over again. Instead I'd like to either remove it or better yet replace it with an offer or whatever the next step down my funnel will be (haven't decided yet as its a brand new site I'm working on).
#email #form #remove #subscribed
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by wikisi9 View Post

    On a WordPress site, does anyone know of a free way (a plugin maybe?) to remove the email sign up form after someone signed up? I mean they already joined the list so they don't need to see the signup form over and over again. Instead I'd like to either remove it or better yet replace it with an offer or whatever the next step down my funnel will be (haven't decided yet as its a brand new site I'm working on).
    As much as I am sure this is possible... you need to consider a pretty common scenario. the person leaves the site, and comes back.. yes they are signed up, but the sign up box would not know that correct? ( Yes I know we can get into cookies and all that )

    So basically the idea is a good one.. but the execution would have flaws, and at some point the opt in box would be back.
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  • Profile picture of the author managepro
    Hello wikisi9,

    Ideally after a user subscribes to your list, you would be:

    1. Showing a confirmation message and staying on the same page.
    2. Redirect to a Thank you page or towards the next step in your funnel

    How are you getting users to sign-up, if you let me know that, I could help you better.

    Thanks and Best Regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author newton
    You'd struggle to find something that works on a per-unique-visitor basis. You need to have the optin form on your site permanently so that others can sign up.

    One way is to have a popup that only shows once per X amount of days. But it's still going to show for people who have already subscribed.

    Personally, I'd just leave the box and focus on other more important things. Your visitors won't mind seeing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    You can set up a pop up box to not appear if the visitor come again but you can only as an example with activecampaign have an autoresponder which does not allow to subscribe again to the same list if the contact is already in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author wikisi9
    Originally Posted by managepro View Post

    Hello wikisi9,

    Ideally after a user subscribes to your list, you would be:

    1. Showing a confirmation message and staying on the same page.
    2. Redirect to a Thank you page or towards the next step in your funnel

    How are you getting users to sign-up, if you let me know that, I could help you better.

    Thanks and Best Regards,

    #managepro - I have GetResponse. Is that what you meant with how users will sign up?

    Instead of redirecting to a thank you page or to the next step in my funnel... what about staying on the same page and then right after they click the sign up button, make the form disappear and replace it with something like.... "Thank You! Click here for the next step in my funnel".

    Yes I got their emailaddress. But they probably won't go to their inbox right away, so why wait to show them the next step in your funnel? If you redirect them to a thank you page that has your next step, what if they leave that page, then they won't see your next step again until they open an email? I want the next step in my funnel to be on EVERY page, not just the thank you page or in my emails. I want them to see it on the side of every page above the fold because they may never even open, let alone read any of my emails.
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