Is cold calling still a good way to get web design clients?

7 replies
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I am in the process of hiring 2 Filipino telemarketers to see if they can bring me new design clients for a website and hosting package. Plan is to price it low to make the sale a bit easier for the telemarketers, while building up a base of hosting fees, and then backend services where margins are better.

Is cold calling still a decent sale generator for web design? I know it's a competitive field. I plan to test out other things (linkedin networking, facebook groups) as well.
#calling #clients #cold #design #good #web
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    I have done lots of cold calling. Used to work very good but these days it is not really effective.

    A much better approach is to use LinkedIn.

    Call Center Fuel - High Volume Data
    Delivering the highest quality leads in virtually all consumer verticals.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dаniel+
    I started out as a freelancer over 18 years ago and my main method back then for getting new clients was cold calling. I simply got a local phone book and started calling, I would make notes in the book of those that where interested, then at the end of the day I would write down all the contact info for each lead and create a follow up list.

    It was much easier back then because not many people had websites yet, so many of them where glad I was calling. So if you think about it, there are new services that have just come out that you can sell in the same way, such as selling responsive websites, or mobile ready websites or SEO packages.

    Even if they have a website, it does not mean they are happy with it, or that it's mobile friendly. Cold calling is a numbers game and you really need a thick skin for rejection. Best thing to do is call one day and follow up the next, break it up a bit and it's easier to handle. Once you start getting clients from it you get motivated and it gets much easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    It is the hard way Delta. Especially these days; everybody has their guard up against spammers aka cold callers who reach out to us unsolicited. Bad idea buddy.

    Create helpful content. Build strong bonds with pro web designers. Gain endorsements from these pros. Earn trust through your content. Clients find you.

    Be patient, persistent and generous. This strategy works every time. More fun, more profits, and infinitely less headaches.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author stephenchong
    Earlier when there is not much hype in the internet market at that time cold calling is effective we were also doing the same for getting the leads. But today it become very difficult as there People are not trusting on the Telemarketers anymore. So the best idea to create a website and promote it effectively and get your leads from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author vlweb3d
    I personally have not done cold calling in years - and to be frank, when strangers cold call me, I simply hang up. These days, using social media avenues would give you better results.

    TUTORIALS on Graphic Design and Web Design

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  • Profile picture of the author andrewsmith02
    LinkedIn and twitter are the best way to get new clients. Cold calling was an old method and lots of people didn't receive new number.
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  • Profile picture of the author club20coaching
    Cold calling is something I've learned to leave behind me. I focus on modern-day tactics to get leads. First and foremost, use Craigslist. Since Craigslist started charging for ad placement, I've been getting double the phone calls. Also, setup an account with Bing or Google adwords and set a daily budget of $5.00. Do not be tempted to increase this budget until you are able to produce leads. once you are able to convert visitors to leads, you can scale your campaign and spend $10.00 per day $20.00 per day and so on. I also recommend hiring a content writer on fiver and start creating large articles 2000 + words with images and videos that show you are an authority in your niche. I totally understand that everything I'm telling you seems like so much work, that's what separates us veterans from the newbies. This month I plan on closing $40,000 in sales on just 2 large projects. I turn down most projects because I generate enough leads to make that decision effectively. If you want website customers, message me, I have more than I know what to do with. I rank #1 for "Michigan Web Design Services" and that alone brings constant income.

    I think most people know how to get traffic, they just keep looking for easier ways. Play the game to win and you'll win.
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