Static Site Generators?

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Static Site Generators have been out for quite a while now but their individual ecosystems aren't growing like you would expect since they could be a viable alternative to using Wordpress if there were enough plugins/solutions available to offer the functionality people need.

If the goal isn't to be an alternative to Wordpress, what's the point of all these softwares like Hugo, Jekyll, and tons of other SSG's. Are they only in existence because they were originally client projects that got turned into opensource software?

I personally am not a fan of Wordpress due to all the headaches, bloated, hacks, etc..but unless you are a developer, it doesn't seem like you can use any static site generator to run a business on that you might promote using content.

Anyone running a successful blog or business using any of the SSG like jekyll, Hugo, etc?
#generators #site #static
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  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    SSGs are not an alternative for Wordpress for businesses, simply because they cannot offer the same functions as easily and scalable as Wordpress.

    The thing with Wordpress is that is bad if you use it as it comes. Let me explain.

    Bloating. Yes, without proper optimization, a lot of plugins and awful templates, you get a very slow website. Mine? Loads in 485 ms, and is made with Wordpress page builder and served with Cloudflare. Caching, minification, optimized images and merged JavaScript and CSS are just some things that someone can use to make their Wordpress website super-fast.

    Hacking? Sure, if you don't do anything to secure it. Use WP Security plugin with hardcore settings and no one can touch you. I have over 100 IP Addresses banned because my settings ban an IP at the first attempt at guessing a password. Do you know what 1 brute force attack means for hacking? Nothing. They need hundreds or thousands of attempts, especially if you have a strong lengthy password.

    WordPress still remains a valid option if you know how to use it properly, that doesn't require you to hire a developer every time you have a problem/update.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tedel
    I have a friend who uses Wordpress on a virtual machine to generate his website, but he exports the HTML pages and upload them to the server. That way he gets all the benefits of Wordpress without running the risk to get hacked.

    As for me, I still prefer plain and simple HTML to create my websites. It takes a little longer to complete, but you get full control of the results, and that's a huge plus for me.
    Author of Heptagrama. PM for my SEO service offer.
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