Web Design Trends 2019

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What are the most innovative Web Design Trends 2019?
#2019 #design #trends #web
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruilk Gold
    1. Guerilla web page
    defying the norms of web design - i.e crazy animations/ interactive/ use of webcam/voice as navigation etc -
    2. Use of custom illustrations
    brings a human element to design
    3. LARGE custom fonts
    (not helvetica arial anymore) using google fonts like: Roboto, Lato, Open Sans,
    4. Using your screen basically like a static artboard
    Not thinking of website as a long thing to scroll down. Instead using scroll as method to move through the interactions on the same square screen like a APP screen - with the content/elements moving in and
    5. Natural organic shapes
    (instead of geometric shapes.)
    6. Micro interactions
    on click, on roll over. little nibbly bits to make your site come alive. Kinda intertwined with point 1 and 4.
    7. Custom landing pages with unique/funny content

    Advertises your business in out of the box unique and creative . ways.

    Here are a list of the best web design / ui ux/ design sites that I check/read.


    I'll write more trends on blog when I am free for examples for all of those points and can let you know.
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  • Profile picture of the author NickNilchenko09
    Personally I have used Natural organic shapes in my work. I can say that outcome is very good, I managed to complete my work very fast because the website provide all the tools. highly recommended
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  • Profile picture of the author ajayvarshan
    Web designing can be described as a procedure that involves the creation and maintenance of assorted innovative websites. Everyone knows that designing a website is extremely necessary for types of businesses beginning from small size to large size. The leading role of a website in a business is the idea that it is extremely helpful for attracting efficient customers and generating leads, thereby making huge profits. Websites find applications mainly in areas similar to e-mail marketing and content marketing and so on
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  • Profile picture of the author sanket chougule
    Web Design Trends 2019 pinpoints the course app and website design will follow in the upcoming months.

    Design - all about color
    "When it comes to website design trends in 2019, color will be among the most talked-about elements.

    Color is at the root of design theory - think of how much time you have spent learning about and examining the color wheel. It is one of the factors that can create the strongest emotional connection with users."

    Split-screen design
    "Split-screen design will only continue to grow in popularity. The effectiveness of this technique is a significant contributing factor as to why it's so popular.

    Split screens for the desktop browsing visual design can actually enhance user experience on smaller devices. They provide the opportunity to provide two pieces of messaging or information side-by-side on large screens and when designed properly, these "screens" fall into a vertical stack on mobile devices, providing a seamless user experience with the same content, regardless of user access point."
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  • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
    Geez, where am I ??? I thought I was coming to a discussion on website trends, but I seem to be in some crazy alternate universe! Or maybe I'v fallen down a rabbit hole and I'm now Lindy in Wonderland.??? But maybe I'll have a bit more look around before I scream, let me out, let me out.

    Soo, they say we need:

    Guerilla web pages, defying the norms of web design - i.e crazy animations. LARGE custom fonts, Using your screen basically like a static artboard, (like we learnt in Kinda?) Natural organic shapes (instead of geometric shapes.) (so I guess they mean like rocks or something?) Micro interactions on click, on roll over. little nibbly bits to make your site come alive. (sounds like how you would train your dog, you click for them to roll over, then you give them the little nibbly bits when they do it right and make your world come alive) Custom landing pages with unique/funny content (maybe that idea carries over to WF posts???)

    Dearie Oh Me, what can I say, what can I say?

    Well one thing, if we just want to entertain our viewers rather than quickly providing them with the content they came looking for - why not just have a 2 minute intro of fireworks? Everyone just loves fireworks and be much more entertaining then just sitting there watching all those little nibbly bits and content/elements moving in and out.

    And instead of natural organic shapes (ie. like rocks) why don't we have something softer like natural organic grass? Then they could more have a natural organic experience, they could take off their shoes and run in it, or roll in it, or even just sit in it while watching all those little niggly bits.

    And I have another idea too. What goes with grass? Well, the sky of course! So we could maybe use a can of sparkly glitter spray paint to highlight the main selling points of our website in the sky. Be perfect, while they are rolling around in our natural organic grass they could hardly miss seeing our sparkly glitter sky text. Wouldn't even need LARGE custom fonts really, it would just soo stand out!

    But the time has come. I better go, I better go. So let me out of this rabbit hole wonderland NOW.

    Soo, if you pop your head out of the rabbit hole too, into some realm of reality, you might get the idea that I didn't really agree with your views.

    My reality is that we design hundreds of websites each year for our clients, which in fact means we have designed thousands. And none of our designers work in rabbit holes, ie out of touch with the reality of what our clients need for a successful business website.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ruilk Gold
      LOL thanks for your highly entertaining post Lindy. Im only repeating the trend ive seen on other websites. It would be much better to use all your energy to offer better alternative advice rather than spending all that time picking mine apart and showing off about building 1000 amazing websites. =)

      Heres another really good resource blog post with soooo many links to good quality sites incase anyone is interested! The muzli google plugin is amazing for design news straight to your chrome start up page!

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      • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
        Originally Posted by Ruilk Gold View Post

        LOL thanks for your highly entertaining post Lindy. Im only repeating the trend ive seen on other websites. It would be much better to use all your energy to offer better alternative advice rather than spending all that time picking mine apart and showing off about building 1000 amazing websites. =)

        Heres another really good resource blog post with soooo many links to good quality sites incase anyone is interested! The muzli google plugin is amazing for design news straight to your chrome start up page!


        Hello Ruilk Gold

        What can I say, what can I say? lol.

        I wasn't picking your post to pieces to be nasty in any way, I'm just a fun girl, but I am also the CEO of a near £18 million a year Agency.

        We are a full service Agency now but we started 14 years ago just with website design. I wasn't showing off when I mentioned the thousands of websites we have designed or made over, I mentioned the figures just to show we have a lot of experience, we didn't design our first website yesterday.

        I was making fun of the idea that you need all these crazy animations and nibbly bits, and the latest trends that someone else tells you that you just have to have.

        To me that is all rubbish, it's like those crazy creations you see models wearing on the fashion catwalks, they might catch your attention for a moment but that is all. they are not practical, they don't work, no one would buy them, no one would want to be seen in them.

        Our clients in the main are not wanting websites to entertain people, if they are being distracted by all the flashy flash then they are not paying attention to the message/product/service that was the reason for them to come to the website in the first place. Of course we need our websites to attract and hold their attention, but not like a fete or fair where your attention is drawn from this to that, from here to there and so on.

        Likewise, most visitors have not searched for and clicked to open a website to be entertained, they are searching for information on a product or service. You have 3 seconds to get them to stay, so load speed is the first thing you must address, if they have to wait a few more seconds many will be gone. (And Google will say you are hopeless at your craft too) Then their instant impression of the website will be the reason they stay or go. It must instantly show them they are in the right place to find the information they are looking for. Dancing Girls and Laughing Clowns, or even Crazy Animations and all your other Flashy Flash will not keep them hanging around, they want what they want NOW, if you can't show them that you have it, they won't even give you the time to wave them goodbye.

        Another trend that we think stupid is all these greyed out Headers and photos. We are visual, photos attract our attention a thousand times faster than words, but someone, somewhere, decided to grey out the Header thinking his white text will show so much better on a near black photo. Then someone else see's it and thinks, gee, this is the new trend, and on and on it goes. Everyone following the Pied Piper leading them to their doom.

        So that is my alternative advice. But if you are a designer and you want the flashy flash look, go ahead, we will stay with what works best for our clients.

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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    Plenty of things; I think use of text, beautiful colors and voice interfaces are ranking high on the list
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  • 1. Glitch Art- Glitch art amplifies this feeling of disorientation by giving websites a distinctly psychedelic look.
    2. Natural and organic shapes- organic shapes are naturally imperfect and asymmetrical, they can provide depth to a web design that makes page elements stand out
    3. More video content- Video not only diversifies the page but caters to an on-the-go audience who don't have the time to scan through a lot of text.
    4. Visual Storytelling- Visual storytelling is one of the website trends that is not about reducing your website's text in favor of imagery
    5. Bright Colors- The background of the page with gradient creates the impression of uniqueness and freshness.
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