Looking for advice regarding a specific type of website design.

2 replies
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Hey everyone!

I'm on the verge of launching a small company based around hosting competitions and raffles. I was going to make use of an external company to run my online raffles, however i feel it would be much more professional for me to have the ticket sales and competitions embedded in my own website.

I'm looking to design a site where i can, most importantly, sell tickets, show how many tickets are remaining, have the purchase of said ticket provide the buyer with their number via email and also on the site, and finally i'd be able to collate and extract all the bought ticket numbers myself in to a CSV or file of some sort, so that i can then carry out the randomized raffle.

This is all very above me which is why i was initially inclined to use an external company. My budget is quite small currently so for now i'm simply looking to use a drag and drop web editor, unless there is some other solution i'm not aware of.

So, does anyone by chance know anything about setting up something like this? I imagine it will require a few different systems to work in conjunction with eachother but im not sure so any overall advice on the whole thing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
#advice #design #specific #type #website
  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    This way it may take you ages before you get help. Go to Fivre, explain your problem and seek to hire a contractor that can deliver on your requirements.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Personally, I would go to StudioPress.com and hire one of their developers. The developers at StudioPress are The Real McCoys. The majority of developers at Fiverr are not.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11608491].message }}

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