Too Many Options - Q&A Based Pricing Table

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Hi All

We are looking to expand our product set but it's already a bit confusing to some people as to which of our products will suit them. We are holding back on this until such a time we can resolve it.

Our goal is to end up with a simple Q&A based module where they answer questions we set, so that we can tell them which product is for them and WHY.

Now - I would have thought this would be fairly common. There are lots of price table modules for wordpress sites. I just can't find one that is built to fit a customer with a product rather than presenting all options.

Anyone seen anything like that around?

Let me know

#based #options #pricing #qanda #table
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by jigsawtrading View Post

    Hi All

    We are looking to expand our product set but it's already a bit confusing to some people as to which of our products will suit them. We are holding back on this until such a time we can resolve it.

    Our goal is to end up with a simple Q&A based module where they answer questions we set, so that we can tell them which product is for them and WHY.

    Now - I would have thought this would be fairly common. There are lots of price table modules for wordpress sites. I just can't find one that is built to fit a customer with a product rather than presenting all options.

    Anyone seen anything like that around?

    Let me know


    Your post reads like a riddle.

    Are you talking about setting up a sales funnel
    to determine how much to charge your clients
    to setup a WordPress???
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11668141].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by jigsawtrading View Post

    Our goal is to end up with a simple Q&A based module where they answer questions we set, so that we can tell them which product is for them and WHY.

    Anyone seen anything like that around?

    I would be looking at "Gravity Forms" to start with. If you need something more specific than that let me know and maybe i can point you in another direction.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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