Which is preferred: using Pre-built Checkout or integrating Stripe API for payment on the website?
But my users always stop on that step after they fill out the billing address; they didn't even try to submit the payment information (I've checked my Stripe dashboard).
So do you think they are afraid to use their credit card on my website, or should I use Stripe's pre-built checkout? Users may trust the redirected Stripe checkout page, but this would not be a good choice for me since it goes outside of my control during the checkout process.
This is not wither they like my product or not its about the payment method,
I know I have to use Paypal as an alternative too, and surely I will use that one too.
But for now, I want to use the two options for Stripe payment flows (pre-built and API).
What do you think about this?
Do you, as a user, believe you can pay within the website's checkout page?