BeaverBuilder: can't update Group Buy BB I have. Is there a good alternative or other group buy?

by ScrooG
2 replies
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I have used Beaver Builder Theme and Pro Plugin for years via a group Agency buy. But that buyer skipped out after a few years and now I cannot update BB plugins and Theme.

I have 6 sites and cannot update any of them with the latest BB theme nor plugin.
1) Is there another plugin like BB that I can buy cheaper to edit my BB modules etc.? Or would I have to redesign all the modules? (Don't tell me to use the free WP software; I hate it!)
2) Is there a place I can get another group buy of BB so I don't have to pay $99 for the plug in etc? Or something that I can replace it with that will not break or cause me to redesign what I already have?
3) If I install the FREE BB on each of those sites will it just replace the current BB plugin/theme I have and cause no issues? Or will that require basically re-doing the entire sites?

Seems like the easiest solution would be to continue using BB.
If I continue BB as I have them (pro) without updating will that cause issues down the line causing my sites to break? That's really why I am even thinking about updating.

Thanks for shedding any light that you can on these questions!
#alternative #beaverbuilder #buy #good #group #update
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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    WordPress now has blocks for content structuring and design. You don't really need any site builder with WordPress now. Backward integration might be an issue though.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11751853].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ScrooG
      You must have missed the line in my request where I said :"(Don't tell me to use the free WP software; I hate it!)"
      But thanks anyway.

      "Live and let live".

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11753444].message }}
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