Meta tags not neccesarry anymore?

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I noticed some pages on my sites does not have a description or keywords tag, I thought I should include these but I then found out that most search engines don´t pay much attention to these anymore... Is this true, can I skip these for my static site?

#anymore #meta #neccesarry #tags
  • I would always include them in your site code. There are some sites which still use META Tags.

    I think it's a mistake not to include them.
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  • Profile picture of the author smsdude
    well google still use your meta description
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    • Profile picture of the author Technista
      You should definitely use the meta description tag. It won't hurt you to include meta keywords, but they won't help your rank.
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      • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
        If I may i would like to address this.

        meta tags should include the following, your site description-this is what the serach engine sees and then produces in the serach results relevant to your site. Keywords do make a difference in your rank but not just the meta tag it is relative keyword content that seacrh engines like for instance if you own a site called thisismywebsitecom in your body of the page should be like welcome to this is my this is my offers a wide array of services....etc relevancy is what gives you position.this is my former expertise b4 transitioning into IM, you should have a meta tag called author why author? because it is copyright proof.
        you can also include one called contact with your email address in it-optional completely
        one for category-optional) and one for the spiders to return recommended it would look like this.<meta name="robots" description="index,follow" content="return after 7 days"> this tells the search engine spider to come back every week and re index your site. keywords are not as powerful as so many make out the main way to get your site in good position is by having a ton of backlinks to it i.e. other sites linking to yours . if you disregard meta tags spiders will not index your site nor be able to give a description of what your site is about
        as an example you can google Memberprods-Main-signup and it will come up with my site description this is my own site i receive nothing for posting it but it is a clear example as to what your site looks like to the search engines.
        however it is a plug ..
        have a Merry Christmas!

        "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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        • Profile picture of the author Fred_Acker
          Hi Karl,

          Here's a something you can copy and use:

          <meta name="keywords" content="keyword,keyword,keyword">
          <meta name="description" content="Description">
          <meta name="copyright" content="copyright 2009">
          <meta name="Distribution" content="Global">
          <meta name="Rating" content="General">
          <meta name="Robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">
          <meta name="Revisit-after" content="7 Days">
          As far as I know Google is the only search engine (or whatever you want to call it) that's not using keywords. Yahoo and Ask still do (and so do many of the smaller ones).

          To answer your question:
          Is this true, can I skip these for my static site?
          I would. I do :0) I have several pages as #1 position in Google and the keyword tag didn't hurt it. I tried running a test to see if it mattered once but couldn't really come to an accurate conclusion.

          Right Now. What a wonderful time to start!

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