Need help changing footer with free WP theme

2 replies
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Hey guys, I just found a theme I want to go with for a new website. It's a free one from one of those free theme sites. Well, I want to change the design a little, especially a link they have in the footer which goes to some marlboro cigarette site. I went into the footer file in wordpress and its just a bunch of jargon. Looks like they coded it so that you can't change it. Here is the code for my footer.php file:

<?php eval(base64_decode('Pz4gICAgICAgICAgICAgDQogICAgIC AgIDwvZGl2Pg0KICAgIDwvZGl2Pg0KDQoJPGRpdiBpZD0iYm9k eV9yaWdodCI+DQogICAgCTxkaXYgaWQ9ImJvZHlfcmlnaHRfY2 9udGVudCI+DQoJCQ0KCQkJPGRpdiBpZD0ibWFpbl9zZWFyY2gi Pg0KCQkJCTxmb3JtIG1ldGhvZD0iZ2V0IiBpZD0ic2VhcmNoZm 9ybV90b3AiIGFjdGlvbj0iPD9waHAgYmxvZ2luZm8oJ3VybCcp OyA/Pi8iPg0KCQkJCQk8ZGl2Pg0KCQkJCQkJPGlucHV0IHR5cGU9In RleHQiIHZhbHVlPSJUeXBlIHlvdXIgc2VhcmNoIGhlcmUuLi4i IG5hbWU9InMiIGlkPSJzZWFyY2hmb3JtX3RvcF90ZXh0IiBvbm NsaWNrPSJ0aGlzLnZhbHVlPScnOyIgLz4NCgkJCQkJCTxpbnB1 dCB0eXBlPSJpbWFnZSIgc3JjPSI8P3BocCBibG9naW5mbygndG VtcGxhdGVfdXJsJyk/Pi9pbWFnZXMvZ28uZ2lmIiBpZD0iZ29zZWFyY2giIC8+DQoJCQ kJCTwvZGl2Pg0KCQkJCTwvZm9ybT4NCgkJCTwvZGl2Pg0KICAg ICAgICAgICAgDQogICAgICAgICAgICA8P3BocCBpZihmdW5jdG lvbl9leGlzdHMoJ3dwMTI1X3dyaXRlX2FkcycpKSB3cDEyNV93 cml0ZV9hZHMoKTsgPz4NCiAgICAgICAgICAgIA0KICAgICAgIC AgICAgPGRpdiBpZD0ic2lkZWJhcnMiPg0KICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgIDw/cGhwIGdldF9zaWRlYmFyKCk7ID8+DQogICAgICAgICAgICA8L2 Rpdj4NCiAgICAgICAgICAgIA0KICAgICAgICA8L2Rpdj4NCiAg ICA8L2Rpdj4NCg0KPC9kaXY+DQo8L2Rpdj4NCg0KPGRpdiBpZD 0iZm9vdGVyIj4NCgk8ZGl2IGlkPSJmb290ZXJfdGV4dCI+DQog ICAgCTxwPg0KCQkJJmNvcHk7IEFsbCBSaWdodHMgUmVzZXJ2ZW QuIDxhIGhyZWY9Ijw/cGhwIGVjaG8gZ2V0X29wdGlvbignaG9tZScpOyA/Pi8iPjw/cGhwIGJsb2dpbmZvKCduYW1lJyk7ID8+PC9hPiB8IA0KPD9waH AgaWYoaXNfaG9tZSgpKSA6ID8+PGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3 dy5jaWdhcmV0dGVzbWl4LmNvbS8iIHRpdGxlPSJNYXJsYm9yby BjaWdhcmV0dGVzIj5NYXJsYm9ybyBjaWdhcmV0dGVzPC9hPjw/cGhwIGVuZGlmOyAgPz4NCjwvYj4NCgkJPC9wPg0KICAgIDwvZG l2Pg0KICAgICAgIA0KPC9kaXY+DQoNCg0KDQoJCTw/cGhwIHdwX2Zvb3RlcigpOyA/Pg0KDQoNCjwvZGl2Pg0KDQo8L2JvZHk+DQo8L2h0bWw+DQogPD 8='));?>

Any ideas on how to decode this? or change my footer to the way I want. If i just add a generic footer it screws up the layout of my site.
#changing #footer #free #theme
  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    I guess I should google search before I post on here:

    heres the solution I found
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1547430].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      yes, just take the darn code do not have to leave sponsored links in...just leave the link to the theme designer in, and that's all!
      People who buy these sponsored links in free WordPress themes are really stupid, imho. No one is violating any law when that encrypted code is removed by savy webmasters. Savy webmasters know that WordPress themes fall under the GNU public license and alterations can be made as long as the original theme designer is credited.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1548408].message }}

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