Hello, i'm new here, i would like to have your review.

17 replies
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Hello, the site is ecigarette(dot)com

It was developed 2 months ago, it's in google first page for ecigarette niche.
Comments and reviews are welcome.

  • Welcome to Warrior Forum...

    I took a look at your site and my thoughts:

    1. Don't like your logo.

    2. You should put a tag line under your logo stating what your site sells for us under educated people. I have no idea what e-cigarettes are. I'm too lazy to read all the text to figure out what you offer.

    3. The map looks cool but I think it's a big gimmicky. I would prefer a searchable list of suppliers.

    4. Your Wordpress theme has been used to death. Ask yourself, what is unique about my website? What makes it stand apart from the competition. For example ECigarettes...a healthier alternative to cigarettes! is a much easier to use and understand. Take some tips for them and move forward.

    Good luck.
    Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
    Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Gillum
    I too do not like the header....cool but hard to read...
    The map is a waste of space...
    The first headline is not attention grabbing.....

    hope that helps a little...
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  • Profile picture of the author Antonio Gavrila
    The website should take some improvements cause at this moment it's not very nice.
    You could start with the following things:
    1.Change your WordPress Theme
    2.Change your header


    Tony Shui
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexaM
    Hey,the site does not seem to be attractive...i would suggest you to work on the theme and be specific about what you are offering....
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    • Profile picture of the author lr89
      something you can quickly change: no more times, at least change the font to Arial. This will give it a better look and feel. Times is not good anymore...
      Change the color of the highlighted square.
      good luck! !
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  • Profile picture of the author lr89
    and i also agree with the suggestion of resizing your map, it is big!
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  • Profile picture of the author ekon
    I am new in this forum I am equally agree with the others opinion you can take any suggestion from the above. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author birneyj
    I dont like to have to sift through a lot of text to find information...

    Personally, I would eliminate the map on homepage and replace with picture of ecig,
    Setup bullet list of features and benefits, followed by excerpts of articles.

    I would place a link for "Locate Supplier near you" in several prominent places on the page that takes the buyer to a page with the map and list of vendors. I may setup a vendors page where customers can rate the vendor on shipping times, cust support, etc.

    Also, as mentioned above, Change the font

    for what it's worth, that is what i think

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    • Profile picture of the author Jarenas
      Gentlemen, sorry for my late answer.
      I really appreciate your advices and time you dedicated to make a brilliant analysis of my site.
      I find right all your advises and critics.
      The problem i have now is: my webmaster stepped back due his PHD to write, so i'm without webmaster and in the middle of nothing
      I think: there's a lot of smart people here, if anyone want to step forward and, with all the advices you made, just make some modify to the site, you can contact me trough skype. Please do it only if you are willing to not ask too much for this. All your contacts will be higly appreciated.
      Also, in respect of this place, we can discuss here your candidacy, so everybody are welcome to give their point of view. (and make their price )
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1913849].message }}
      • Originally Posted by Jarenas View Post

        I think: there's a lot of smart people here, if anyone want to step forward and, with all the advices you made, just make some modify to the site, you can contact me trough skype. Please do it only if you are willing to not ask too much for this.
        Could all you smart people also please build or change some of my website designs ??

        Thanks in advance
        Financial Thing: Peer to Peer Lending Reviews
        Poker Tilt : The Dutch Boyd Story
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        • Profile picture of the author Jarenas
          Originally Posted by Orlando Web Design View Post

          Could all you smart people also please build or change some of my website designs ??

          Thanks in advance
          Lol i say for real, if someone want to help me, just make a price and i'll consider that, then i'll pay, then they'll help me on my site.
          My webmaster knowledge is equal to zero. I have this friend of mine that stepped back and i even can't add affiliates
          Sad situation!
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          • Profile picture of the author thefreelancesquad
            Hello and Welcome

            I reviewed the website and it just seems to be plain. I really didn't like the navigation menu cramped in the top of the website. The footer also seems to be crowded.

            It seems like a goof first try. Try making some tweaks to the theme.

            Good Luck!
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            • Profile picture of the author Jarenas
              Originally Posted by thefreelancesquad View Post

              Hello and Welcome

              I reviewed the website and it just seems to be plain. I really didn't like the navigation menu cramped in the top of the website. The footer also seems to be crowded.

              It seems like a goof first try. Try making some tweaks to the theme.

              Good Luck!
              I would surely try, the problem is: i'm not a webmaster :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author scriptkido
    I think you need more color ....
    but I like smile face in the footer...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      You are missing the market - you have a great domain for sales of these products and they are selling rapidly.

      If that were my domain I'd be selling the top brands of e-cigs - with info articles and facts listed in a side panel. The main panel would be all e-cigarettes - with descriptions, testimonials, etc - for sale.

      I'd dump the massive tag cloud and focus on sales. Up front - why you would choose ecigarettes - why you would use them - who would use them - and here are the best ones....buy now.

      I think you need to visit some other competing sites and see what they are doing.

      But - that's just me...

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
      ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author troykrause
    I also agree. I like the logo, but the header could use some work. The map seems to be the main focus. I'd move that to a separate maybe. The theme is very plain and could use some color. I might also add an opt in form along with a free give away to capture visitors info. Good luck and I hope you find the help that you are looking for.

    P.S. You might want to share some of this info with your previous webmaster. I hope he didn't charge you too much. If he did, I hope he invested it into some education on blog creation
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  • Profile picture of the author Tredi Andrasa
    Make the map smaller, you also need to provide graphic elements related to your products. Also your logo seems look less attractive and less to show the character of the products you sell. Hope that's help
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