Please review my sales page

3 replies
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Hey all,

I created this sales page a little while back to promote a DVD I produced. I'd really appreciate some feed back on the design and execution.

#page #review #sales
  • I think your site is about a 3/10 right now.

    It needs a nice header and better structure in the body.

    Right now it just looks like one out of a million sales pages selling the same thing.

    I would surf the web and look at other sales pages and compare yours.

    Your DVD is pretty edgy so I think the sales page needs to be that way too.

    When evaluating a sales page, i always look at it and ask myself, would I buy something from this page? Answer to yours is not at the moment.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author honor
    Yes I agree with above post, when I clicked on it it really didn't capture me at all. The body needs to have a layout where you have bullet points with a build up of the Dvd and it's key features with to really have your your potential buyers on the edge of their seats. I would also perhaps put a couple of forms in to catch their email addresses, one at the top and bottom. Goodluck
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  • Profile picture of the author rawservices
    Get yourself a nice template from the link in my sig, that'll spice it up a bit :-)
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