How to makes a Paypal Button Customised Graphic. How is this Done?

by Iqball
2 replies
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Hello Dear Worriors,

I have been cooking my brain over something which i need some input from the warrior community.

Ok you set up a Paypal Payment Process to collect payment on your webpage - that's concept ok.

Now instead of having the you know standard types of Paypal Buttons on page for the getting payment. - which looks i think a littel borings.

How can one set up in the stead an image graphic for e.g. a coupon style box with a reservation type box saying "click here now to reserve your place"?

I think you know what i means, you see these on many sites and they look more pleasing in eye candy style. So when you click on the graphic icon type checkout/reservation box you are taken straight to the Paypal payment page or any other payment process page.

How is this linking setup done? Can someone please enlighten me as to this?

Apologies if this topic has been covered elsewhere, please can someone direct me if so.

But other than that i look forward to feedback from the community.
#button #customised #graphic #makes #paypal
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Crofford
    In PayPal when you click 'Merchant Services' then 'Buy Now Button' click the link that says 'Customize Button' under Customize Appearance' there is an option to 'Use your own button image'.

    Hope this helps,
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    • Profile picture of the author Iqball
      Hello Andy,

      Thank you so much, that's great to hear you have moved a great stumbling block.

      So just to clarifying for the purposes of discussion and to the benefit of myself and Dr. Win, when you select the 'Use your own button image' in the PayPals merchant services, can you upload 'any' relevant image/graphic gif or jpeg type for your button? Is that my understanding is correct?

      Would very warmly welcome your thoughts and feedbacks Andy,
      thank you.
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