Kindly Please Review My Website

by BMboyz
22 replies
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Before this i used joomla to create a website. This is my first time using wordpress to set up a website. The website i set up is Affiliate Mania . My vision is to make this website as a directory for all affiliate program around the globe.

I hope you may review my website and do some comment. Like.. am i using the appropriate plug in, any thing to add or etc.

Your comment and advice is really really appreciated.

Thank You Very Much!
#kindly #review #website
  • Profile picture of the author TrueStory
    VERY nice design.

    Two things:

    a little bit too busy...but it's fine. maybe make side menu a little bit bigger font

    Also it's a little bit hard to read white on black. Try switching the panels to black on white. The menus are fine, the background is fine, but the main text should be white on black to contrast the background. Play around with it ,see if it looks better.

    Your business matters only to people that matter to your business[/U][/B] - Reach them?

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  • Profile picture of the author dem0x7
    Nice design, but I agree it is a little busy. I would move the logo up to the very top on the textured background. I went to the site and didn't even realize the site name because the logo was underneath.

    Filled with a lot of ads. It's a great site, I just wouldn't overwhelm the viewers too much. Take some unneeded stuff out. Try to make it as user friendly as can be.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    thank you for the comments..

    i will work on it asap
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  • Profile picture of the author zelgly2
    nice design. Try to use blue and white combination for that
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    blue and white? ok i ll try...
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    yes yes , i was thinking about it to.. just like clickbank or etc rite... i think it will look more proffesional...
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  • Profile picture of the author weaveronline
    hei...nice work ...i like the layout and color scheme..Congrats!

    Thanks & Regards,
    Reach us at
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  • Profile picture of the author RogueLover
    Seems good so far
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    thank you for all because willing to spent time review my site n give your comment.
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    actually the link at the top and side is the same link.

    I think now i stop do design editing stuff n focus on the post.

    thank you everyone who willing to give me advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author iNDESiGN
    It's a good design you have there, may I ask what theme you used? It's joomla based right?
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    Yes joomla. i use Joomla art. JA Fedora before this i used worpress. at first i was thinking to globalized the website. but after few consideration. I just think i server local first (malaysia Market)

    How ever my Lets Click . Me I Shortened your URL ! is FOR EVERYONE I SHORTEN YOUR URL
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  • Profile picture of the author unknownpray
    Looks really nice. But the colors are a bit questionable. A nice blue or green would be a better alternative.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jcraig83
    Looks really good, I would maybe make a better logo for your header. It will give it a more "official" feel.
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    thank you for the comments i m still designing the appropriate logo
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  • Profile picture of the author tahersaid
    Your site looks good joomla site
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  • Profile picture of the author SmartyD
    I happen to like it. Nice Job
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  • Profile picture of the author turntwo21
    i don't mind it....the color scheme is really catchy
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    thanks tahersaid , smartd and turntwo21. your comment is appreciated
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  • Hi BM,

    I would like to give you a slightly different perspective here so please excuse me if my honesty and comments differ dramatically from those that have been given here on this thread...

    I base my comments from the perspective of a first-time visitor..

    Firstly I would like to know what your site is offering? There is no clear message about what your site offers so unless I dig through the site, I wouldn't know.

    Your header is the most important piece of marketing real estate on your website, yet you use this large area and effectively again with no clear message of what your site offers. What is affiliate mania? what are the benefits? what does your site provide that the other thousands of affiliate websites don't? what is the large exclamation point inside the glass bubble with the Adobe label supposed to be? I just don't get it.

    Will your site be able to overcome 3 to 5 second rule? meaning if you don't catch your customer's attention within 3 to 5 seconds, they click away. How does your site attack this problem?

    Another issue I see is all the animation is really distracting. I see a lot of people using flashy moving gimmicks on their websites but all this does is distract the customer from reading the content you want them to read. If you have managed to get them down to the body content, then the last thing you want to do is distract them with a banner read, especially when their banner ads promoting your own site. This just makes no sense to me

    I would also ditched the dark background color. It's proven statistically the websites with light colored backgrounds have better usage numbers because it's easier on the eyes. I would consider a very very light gray or light blue background. Also the red/orange banner color is a little off-putting.

    Otherwise the site design itself is fine (aside of the banner content), but the marketing is way off.

    I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ditso
      Not sure if it was a temp thing with my broadband or PC but it was slow to load when I visited the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author BMboyz
    Thank you very much Laurence for your time to review my website. I really appreciate your comment and will look forward seriously on it. .

    Actually, at first i want to build a website for global market, but under certain problem. I decided to only open my website locally. Because of that, i decided to use MALAY language.

    thanks again for the comment
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