I need an inexpensive easy to use Website builder

25 replies
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I need to purchase an easy-to-use (and I mean easy to use) software package to create websites from scratch. Must be able to do most things and have some templates with it. I have tried several including Komposer the free one, but have struggled with them all.

Suggestions please.

#builder #easy #inexpensive #website
  • Profile picture of the author werner77
    try ezgenerator. worked well for me.

    But now I build all my websites with wordpress. Its free and not that hard to master.
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverbee20
    xsitepro one off fee but well worth the price and there is also artisteer for creating blogs from scratch

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  • Profile picture of the author VicFranks
    You might want to check out my post here:


    Best of luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author Copydog
    Check this out:


    May be just what you need.

    All the best

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  • Profile picture of the author senderbot

    If you want easy you should seriously consider Wordpress.

    1. You can have it installed free using a one click installer that you find with most webhosts. Some will even install it during the sign up process. You can also practise at wordpress.com to see how easy it is to get a site going. Note that the .com variety of wordpress is quite restricted. Once you get the hang of it you can switch to a self hosted version.

    2. Once installed (the self hosted version) you can go to the wordpress extend sites and download loads of themes. You can also search google for free wordpress themes. You can then upload the new theme directly from your wordpress' admin area.

    3. If you need a custom webdesign - at least at this point you have your site up and running and you can pay someone to create or adapt a wordpress theme. You can also create themes yourself using a WYSIWYG theme builder like Artisteer.

    4. Next if you want to add stuff like contact forms you can do these simply by uploading plugins from the Wordpress extend sites mentioned earlier.

    If you are new to the game and want a quick way to get a website (not just a blog) online then Wordpress is definately to be recommended.

    You cant go wrong with the "Wordpress for dummies" book either to get you started.


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  • Profile picture of the author valen42
    Thanks Senderbot,

    I would really like to use Wordpress, but just can't seem to figure out how to use it. It doesn't seem to work like any other application that I have ever tried to use.

    I will keep trying to come to grips with it, but in the mean time I have to stay with Web Page Maker.

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  • Profile picture of the author y2gabs
    Don't play, wordpress is the way to go If you're having trouble installing it, find a host that does one-click auto-install. The community is unbelievable and you'd really be surprised how much you can scale your website with plugins.. just my two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aare
    if u only need to create a simple website based on html, u can go with dreamweaver or ms webexpression.

    but if the website will be based on database, i second the wordpress!!
    God bless us all!
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  • Profile picture of the author steveshoemaker
    Hello there honestly Kompozer is the easiest I have used what are you having problems with. If you are using templates it should be really easy. There are some good suggestions here. I have also heard of edit plus 3. It has a free version but I find Kompozer much easier. Good Luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author fbhc
    What is your goal for the site? What type of site is it? Will it need to updated regularly?

    I prefer Joomla, give it a try. It won't cost you much to get started.
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  • Profile picture of the author fire_fighter
    I think Wordpress is the way to go
    Easy & Free.
    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author kashiq49
    Use dreamweaver ms for website making.its great website software maker tool
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    • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
      Hi, There are number of website builders available online but I use yahoo site builder easy to understand and useful but I want to add one thing if you know HTML and CSS then download free templates online and change its CSS and HTML and make it interactive.
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  • Profile picture of the author featbit
    Looking for Marketing tool?
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  • Profile picture of the author padre
    I don't know what you plan for your site but the easiest, most intuitive sitebuilder to use is Weebly. They have a completely free setup so you can try it out for as long as you want.

    There is a paid upgrade but you can do just about everything with the freebie.

    Also, it is actually fun to use the sitebuilder.

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    • Profile picture of the author pesito
      I second what padre says. Web 2.0 website builders have become pretty good. Next to Weebly there is also Jimdo and Webnode.

      You don't need any technical knowledge to use these tools. It's ideal for small to medium sized projects. As the site builders are hosted by the provider you don't even have to deal with security updates as you would with an Open Source CMS.
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    • Profile picture of the author valen42
      Originally Posted by padre View Post

      I don't know what you plan for your site but the easiest, most intuitive sitebuilder to use is Weebly. They have a completely free setup so you can try it out for as long as you want.

      There is a paid upgrade but you can do just about everything with the freebie.

      Also, it is actually fun to use the sitebuilder.

      Thanks Padre,
      I will have a look.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaxspotmedia
    I think you should use Wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author puedall
    Hello, I really think i have a solution for you. I did this myself, and i recommend it to everyone who have the same dilemma I had three years ago. I started learning how to create a website, but i had to by numerous tutorials in order to learn simple, fundamental stuff. I am not a programmer and Dreamweaver, although superb software, is to complex and would take me forever to learn.
    So what have i done? I created tutorial for people like you and me, that want to learn fundamentals, but want their websites to look professional as well. All this can be done with free programs, so i only teach how to create a website with free tools. I made this my mission to help people like me, without programming experience to learn easy way.Really hope this helps and i wish you find what you are looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffyork
    dreamweaver is the best. period.
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  • Profile picture of the author MentorDigital
    Headway theme using a wordpress base. Nice an easy no code needed.
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  • Profile picture of the author timmor29
    I work with mediadsite builder of trafficmedia.com, you can design very easy your website (not need to choose template) and you get easy to use CMS
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  • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
    Originally Posted by valen42 View Post


    I need to purchase an easy-to-use (and I mean easy to use) software package to create websites from scratch. Must be able to do most things and have some templates with it. I have tried several including Komposer the free one, but have struggled with them all.

    Suggestions please.

    As alreadt stated Wordpresss is probably the best way to go. It is bassicly a website in a box, just open and install instant wbsite all tht's left is to customize it to your likeing. as for easy website building software I use Microsoft visual Web Developer it's free and abou the best software I've ever found. That being said any of them will be easy once you learn HTML and CSS From your question I think the best way for you is Wordpress. I will give you a website without you having to know anything.
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