need site like this ( other industry )

6 replies
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This is a site that functions the way I need mine to do and I am looking for someone who can create a similar site for me to Funeral Homes - Find & Contact Local Funeral Homes please PM me if able/interested/cost .

#industry #site
  • Profile picture of the author newbim

    Most good CMS packages can do a similar job (a lot are open source and free).

    When it comes to things like zip / postal code search can come with a recurring fee, but it depends how you do it I guess.

    With a little looking into, you may be able to create a similar style site for relatively low cost at all.

    Here's a couple of phrases you may find useful for google:

    Open Source CMS
    Post Code / Zip Code script

    You could also try google's wonder wheel for ideas about similar searches to refine your market for advertising partners.

    I hope you find this helpful on some level.


    If what I said helps, let me know, throw me a 'thanks'.
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    Thanks much for the reply and the details but, I truly need somebody else to do this for me. I am not that great with sites and most importantly, I have no time at the moment to try it.

    If you are interested in such a project, PM me.

    Thanks again,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2676718].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      Thanks much for the reply and the details but, I truly need somebody else to do this for me. I am not that great with sites and most importantly, I have no time at the moment to try it.

      If you are interested in such a project, PM me.

      Thanks again,

      I would look up mywebwork on the forums, his name is Bill, he can do just about anything you need, and is reasonably priced and above all else super, super friendly and honest......
      Need Custom Graphics Work? - Message Me For A Design Quote!
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  • Profile picture of the author joomlawala
    let me help you to build it, email me. thanks,

    Email me at:
    [to start PSD-to-XHTML/CSS $70; PSD-to-Joomla/WP $150 only]

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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    Last call, any takers ? This can't be that big a deal for someone good with scripts-plugins, that is just not me.

    Thanks in advance,
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  • Profile picture of the author cristi_d6
    email me please
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