7 replies
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Hi everyone,

Was wondering if any of you knew what software/templates the gurus use to create their 3D ebook/CD covers. I've looked online with no success.

Thanks for your help!
#cover #creator #ebook
  • Profile picture of the author wevo
    Photoshop we what they use.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlondieWrites
    I use Photoshop and actions for my graphic design work. There are actions that help create ebooks, etc.

    Content Niches

    Content Niches - Niche Content, PLR Content, One Owner Content, PLR Articles, PLR Ebooks, Ebook Content, Printables, and More.
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    • Profile picture of the author NewtoIM
      I've seen the majority of the ones that are available online. Most of them are really crummy looking - even the paid ones.

      I'm not looking for free - as I'm willing to buy the templates/software. But it needs to be simple to use - as I'm not good with Photoshop. I've just had no luck so far finding something good. A nice example of "good" ones are the free report graphics at income diary dot com.

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      • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
        Originally Posted by NewtoIM View Post

        I've seen the majority of the ones that are available online. Most of them are really crummy looking - even the paid ones.

        I'm not looking for free - as I'm willing to buy the templates/software. But it needs to be simple to use - as I'm not good with Photoshop. I've just had no luck so far finding something good. A nice example of "good" ones are the free report graphics at income diary dot com.

        Even if you purchase the best eCover creator software thats available, which costs about 200.00, unless you are a trained designer your eCovers will still look bad.

        Its best to just hire someone to do it for you, unless you are a designer with a good eye, because just typing in text and adding an image and color does not make an eCover look great, its all about composition and other design principles that make a great eCover.

        In my sig there are some better than average eCover action scripts priced affordably, but as I have said before, the action script is only a small part of a great eCover....
        Need Custom Graphics Work? - Message Me For A Design Quote!
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  • Profile picture of the author iClickGraphics
    action script like Cover Action pro for photoshop

    FREE Weekly Book Cover Templates ---> Download now!
    140 CreateSpace PSD Book Cover Templates ---> Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author NewtoIM
    Thanks for chiming in, everyone. I see there's a new thread that started shortly after mine where people are talking about this, too. Much appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author signity2
    Photoshop and Corel Draw
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