What FREE HTML Editor is best?

60 replies
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Hi Warriors:

I am looking at Cnet Downloads and doing websearches for "best free html editors",but the various reviews I've read have me hesitating.

My html is intermediate.

I'm not into anything heavy yet,just need to make a Squeezepage and would like to do some tinkering and brush up and improve my webdesign skills,maybe even learn heavy stuff like Coldfusion down the road.

It seems some like HTML-KIt(I tried that a few years back),some don't.Some like Cofeecup,some don't some like Nvu,some don't,but I know,I was told once to stay from MS Frontpage.It mangles stuff.

Any recommendations?

If in the future,I go paid,I guess Dreamweaver is the way to go?

#editor #free #html
  • Profile picture of the author DaWebmaster
    I'm not 100% familiar with all the editors. However, you may try notepad++ it's a bit better than the traditional notepad (which has that plain black and white color). Notepad++ has color codes corresponding to tags and everything. But I assume you want a html editor that helps you to code. I'm not sure if Notepad++ assists you with that but I know dreamweaver certainly does. You can google html editors to see if that brings you any success.

    - Hope I helped
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  • Profile picture of the author getsmartt
    NVU is about the best free WYSIWYG editor out there.

    Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker

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    • Profile picture of the author nuwav
      Originally Posted by getsmartt View Post

      NVU is about the best free WYSIWYG editor out there.
      I agree, I use this tool alot to edit web pages its the best free web editor tool I have used.
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  • Profile picture of the author geoffco23
    For lean code that loads fast, use Notepad and learn html and css. I've used WYSIWYG editors, but they make flabby code that sometimes won't look right in different browsers. I hate to admit it, because I'm essentially lazy, but you get the best results this way. The best book I've found is 'Teach yourself visually html and css' by Mike and Linda Wooldridge, ISBN 978-0-470-28588-6. You can also get loads of free tuition online. Just Google any html question you have. I've tried many different free html editors - NVU, Kompozer, Selida - but I've always ended up going back to writing code by hand, or using a WYSIWYG editor then stripping out the flab from the code it produces.
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  • Profile picture of the author cyruskafaiwu
    I use Notepad++ but I mainly use it for php, css, html and etc. It has a built in ftp which saves me some complications. And its free! =]
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  • Profile picture of the author kkoechel
    gedit or jedit
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  • Profile picture of the author eallard.moore
    HTML-Kit which began as a specialized html editor but now has so many plugins that it is a highly customizable and extensible development environment. The latest freeware release is build 292, and plug-ins continue to be developed and extended, keeping this software very up to date. HTML-Kit is compatible with Vista and is also portable.
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    • Profile picture of the author getsmartt
      Do you have a link for HTML-Kit?

      Originally Posted by eallard.moore View Post

      HTML-Kit which began as a specialized html editor but now has so many plugins that it is a highly customizable and extensible development environment. The latest freeware release is build 292, and plug-ins continue to be developed and extended, keeping this software very up to date. HTML-Kit is compatible with Vista and is also portable.

      Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker

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  • Profile picture of the author davidthomas35
    I think Ultra editor is the best HTML editor but its not free.
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  • Profile picture of the author DJL
    I like the CoffeeCup Free HTML editor. You can Google it.

    None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
    --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Elective Affinities (1809)

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    • Profile picture of the author johnandle

      At this time dreamweaver is the best html editor. it provides us many service so go for dreamweaver.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tooschee
    For advanced edition of webpages with HTML/CSS/PHP/PERL/JS there's only one choice:

    Eclipse for PHP with Aptana Plugin

    I'm available for work. See my Portfolio.
    I'm also a member of Ke.mU Studio
    Need great looking mini site? Visit Professional Landing Pages
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  • Profile picture of the author ninal
    Notepad++for me too. I haven't touched dreamweaver for over a year.
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  • Profile picture of the author jokarl
    I use PSPAD for everything. Its free and a really great tool.
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  • Profile picture of the author jaxspotmedia
    What is available to you right now:
    -Notepad is literally in every windows that has already been installed to your computer.
    -TextEdit is the "Notepad for mac".

    For downloading ones (that is free):
    -Windows: Notepad ++ (really really good)
    -Mac: TextWrangler (I think that is called).. this is the non-paid (free) version to BBEdit
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  • Profile picture of the author jaxspotmedia
    Forgot to add..

    Paid Programs:

    -Dreamweaver (from Adobe)
    -Coda (for Mac)

    Personally, I don't like Dreamweaver because it adds extra code that you really don't need if you use the pretemplates, etc. But if you're new to coding, etc. Using Dreamweavers templates would be good for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author commerce cat
    Another vote for Notepad++ on Windows - it's so usable and elegant.

    I also like Notetab - it has a free and paid versions for Windows.

    I mainly work on a Mac now so Text Wrangler as mentioned above is a good free option. I have Dreamweaver but I don't really like working with it.

    My preference for the Mac is Espresso as it is a happy medium - it has some good coding tools and gives you an instant preview of your work. Coda works in a similar fashion.

    Also check out Lifehacker's top 5 text editors
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    • Profile picture of the author CPA_OFFICER
      Notepad ++ is great because it's simple. It's not ideal for someone who has limited experience in HTML but for most of us it's great. It has yet to crash on me!
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      • Profile picture of the author BradRich
        As a newbie myself, I like NVU. Its free and there are lots of videos on how to use it. You can also download sales page templates for it. Although I have been reading that you can do alot with wordpress, but I haven't experienced that yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author aldoital
    Arachnophilia is good, but with an interface that takes getting used to.
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  • Profile picture of the author keon.gray23
    I have found NVU to be the easiest to use for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bob Phantom
    Kompozer, or aptana if you do not need a WYSIWYG
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  • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
    The absolute best editor you can get at any price is Microsoft's Visual Studio Express edition.
    It's FREE and it's better than Dreamweaver or anything else you will find.
    And it's FREE

    Microsoft Express Downloads - Visual Studio Express and SQL Server Express
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    • Profile picture of the author sixpack01
      Komodo Edit is hands down the best free XML editor available. It includes a lot of great features for HTML and CSS development. Plus, if that isn't enough, you can get extensions for it to add on languages or other helpful features (like special characters). It's not the best HTML editor, but it's great for for the price, especially if you build in XML. I use Komodo Edit every day for my work in XML and I use it a lot for basic HTML editing as well. This is one editor I'd be lost without.
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  • Profile picture of the author Revenant45
    Another vote for Notepad++. Dreamweaver is very robust but not very beginner friendly IMO. In order to get the most out of a product like Dreamweaver, you have to learn it fully... AND already be proficient in HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP. If you are already good at these languages then DW can really speed up the process and organization of site building.
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  • Profile picture of the author yourmobisite

    Macromedia HomeSite is the most powerful and flexible HTML editor for building, testing, and deploying Web content for Windows.
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  • Profile picture of the author kumarpyasa
    Hello Dear
    notepad ++ is the best html editor.
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  • Profile picture of the author jibin
    Aptana Studio 3 is the best free html, css, jaascript, php editor
    it has features like syntax highlighting and code suggestions.
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  • Profile picture of the author signity2
    for best result search on google
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  • Profile picture of the author romanrapido
    my vote goes to notepad. and yes, please stay away from frontpage.


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    • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
      notepad++ is excellent! I love it.

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesg371
    Notepad ++ is really cool. You can get plugins and addons for it to make it do all kinds of cool things. I love iot personally. Also - try out firebug in your FireFox browser to use a text editor on the fly rigjht in your browser. this will allow you to edit code and see the changes on the page in real time without actually "REALLY" rewriting the code for real. its pretty cool.
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  • Profile picture of the author aokiji1
    Notepad++ or dreamweaver
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  • Profile picture of the author subashini
    My top choice for experienced users goes to net beans . It started life as a Java Editor but with recent releases has developed into a powerful text editor for web scripting. It is Vista and Windows 7 compatible.
    Net beans supports:
    • HTML and XHTML
    • CSS
    • PHP (Version 6.5 and later)
    • Java SE, JavaFX
    • Web & Java EE
    • Java ME
    • Ruby
    • C/C++
    • and more...
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryWeaver
    There is a trick, just search in Google with the term free html editors and first few are really good sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brad Swinehart
      We love Seamonkey Composer. Really simple straightforward WYSIWYG editor also makes changes a breeze. And it is FREE!
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  • Profile picture of the author seophalanx4u
    I prefer dreamweaver which is best free html editor
    Here more tools are available to customize the page
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  • Profile picture of the author BlackWar
    PSPad editor is a freeware text editor and source editor intended for use by programmers...
    wiki info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSPad
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  • Profile picture of the author deejayundoo
    I use Komodo for all codes.
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  • Profile picture of the author iuditg
    Use Notepad++ It's liteweight and it's deadly awesome. All plugins are free and you can pretty do anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author affordableweb
    NVU is one of the best free WYSIWYG editors out there but I use Notepad++ but I mainly.
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  • Profile picture of the author copilu0
    For me Notepad++ works fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author JuneCelo
    FREE - Notepad++
    PAID - Dreamweaver
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  • Profile picture of the author pinterest01
    Agree with JuneCelo...
    I use dreamweaver a lot to do website design, very helping, sometimes i use microsoft expression too.

    Notepad++ is a good tools too, but i don't like it very much, since i can't see the "Design" tab..
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  • Profile picture of the author dagnyjbarber
    Dreamweaver is best way.

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    • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
      My personal all time favorite is Microsoft's " Not only is it the best free editor it is the best editor at any price period. Way better than Dreamweaver.
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    • Profile picture of the author sadeeshbala
      Like you one year before i have used notepad++ free HTML editor. But now i bought Dreamweaver and its very good software for programming like php, css, jquery, html and java scripts. It will save lot of your time. Go for Dreamweaver.
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  • Profile picture of the author wackiin
    Dreamweaver is good but for free KompoZer is good also
    it has the tabs to veiw code or design just like dreamweaver
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    • Profile picture of the author pinterest01
      Originally Posted by wackiin View Post

      Dreamweaver is good but for free KompoZer is good also
      it has the tabs to veiw code or design just like dreamweaver
      really? i'll check it asap... 100% without hidding fee?
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  • Profile picture of the author arifur
    1. Komodo Edit.
    2. Notepad ++
    3. netbeans
    4. eclipse

    Dreamweaver , the best there is
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    • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
      I absolutely despise Dreamweaver. I used Dreamweaver for years mostly because I just didn't want to learn yet another piece of software. Dreamweaver used to just drive me nuts . It was always trying to reformat my code. I would have these rather extensive files and DW would just out of the blue format my code which I had already formatted it so I could find the different blocks or areas that I wanted to work on. This starts to be very important when your pages start to get big enough. And one of the things it would always do was to throw an ending tag way off to the right of the page , in fact completely off the page so all of a sudden half these opn tags but they aren't really open I just can' find the closing tag because it's somewhere like 3 feet off to the right of the page.. so then i start trying to fix this and finally I end up with a page that doesn't work. So I end up having to re create the entire page. Well I'm sure you can imagine about the second time this happens you are ready to throw the computer out into the street. From my personal experience I have to say DW sucks the big one.
      After this happened enough times I finally did commit to learning a new software and as it turned out I happened on Microsoft's visual studio which I paid for something like$300 for the academic version. It's like$3000 for the pro version. SO here's the catch VS doesn't support PHP but is instead designed from the ground up to support ASP, Visual Basic, C# C++. But of course it is a superbly robust HTML /CSS authoring environment, and what's more it doesn't find it necessary to reformat your code for you. Thank you very much. But here's the cool part, the "Express Edition is FREE and it does everything the $3000 pro version does except version control which is a feature you would use in a big shop where you have several programmers working on the same project at the same time. Also there is in fact an extension you can get that allows VS to work with PHP
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  • Profile picture of the author SocialMarketerX
    HTML-Kit is compatible with Vista and is also portable
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  • Profile picture of the author Alice R
    Dreamweaver is the best paid, but coffee cup s the best free. Lightweight and versatile. Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author inazuman
    Currently NVU is about the best free WYSIWYG editor.
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  • Profile picture of the author KingJer
    notepad ++ is a great simple editor.
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  • Profile picture of the author candres79
    I have a degree in webdesign and have always used Dreamweaver... so that is my pick for paid. If you are looking for free I usually use Kompozer... it's one of the best no cost editors you can find IMO


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