CHALLENGE: $5 Paypal to the first one who finds the bug!

by ak2000
15 replies
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Hi, I'll pay $5 by Paypal to the first Warrior who finds the fix for this bug

This site has a bug whereby when you display it with certain versions of internet explorer it shows as all text rather than with the graphics. It works fine with other browsers such as firexfox or chrome.

My Forex Trading Success

I guess something went wrong with the WP theme and/or the php files in it

$5 by Paypal to the first person who finds the bug!

Good luck!
#bug #challenge #finds #paypal
  • Profile picture of the author ronc0011
    Have you tried using the "if" statement?

    By using this statement in the head section you can link the page to a different CSS file that is made just for IE6 or whatever.

    Note this is only read by IE so it has no effect on other browsers. To link to a different stylesheet you would use this in the head section of your page and of course create a different stylesheet. IE6 has problems with current CSS standards so it is necessary to do this if you want all your state of the art to work properly in earlier versions of IE.

    <!--[if IE 6]>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="your css file including path.css" type="text" />
    <![end if]-->
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  • Profile picture of the author ak2000
    Thanks Ronc

    I've tried removing that bit of code altogether and it still shows the page in funny text format (but at least doesn't produce the "error on page" message in IE)..

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  • Profile picture of the author ak2000
    If anyone has any insights or can help pls PM me...really can't manage to debug this

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    • Profile picture of the author WilTGS
      You'd think they would just fix explorer it is very far behind firefox when it comes to designs. This is a guess it looks like its not getting your style sheets im not sure how you will edit the head but if you could add the if thing above im sure you can do this.

      I cant post links!

      Remove this part

      <style type="text/css">
       @import "LINK";
       @import "LINK";
      Replace it with

      <link rel="stylesheet" href="LINK HERE" type="text/css" media="screen" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="LINK HERE" type="text/css" media="screen" />
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396347].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ak2000
        Thanks, trying to figure out where that code is in the Wordpress template...

        Originally Posted by WilTGS View Post

        You'd think they would just fix explorer it is very far behind firefox when it comes to designs. This is a guess it looks like its not getting your style sheets im not sure how you will edit the head but if you could add the if thing above im sure you can do this.

        I cant post links!

        Remove this part

        <style type="text/css">
         @import "LINK";
         @import "LINK";
        Replace it with

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="LINK HERE" type="text/css" media="screen" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="LINK HERE" type="text/css" media="screen" />
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  • Profile picture of the author oscarte
    It has a few errors; look.

    I hand-code beautiful optimized pages/sites. No Dreamweaver or tables fluff - contact me for clean and semantic W3C standards code

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    • Profile picture of the author ak2000
      Originally Posted by oscarte View Post

      It has a few errors; look.
      Thanks, tried correcting those in WP and it's far from trivial...if there is any expert webdesigner / coder reading this pls PM me for a quick job

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      • Profile picture of the author WilTGS
        It would be in your header but in php, I dont know that myself maybe someone here can help you the code I posted above I got from one of my sites and it looks like this in the header file
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />
        <?php = get_option('layout');

        if ( == "2col_r") { ?>

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/2colstyle_r.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
        It could also be some plugin you have running I would try deactivating them all and bring them back one by one to see if it is one of them the reason I think that is because for a second you site loads then the style goes. It is something I would really look to get fixed though most people use explorer because they dont know about the others.
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  • Profile picture of the author jminkler
    Start with this

    jQuery('#page').append("<div class='crap-browser-warning'>You're using a old and buggy browser. Switch to a <a href='' onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/');">normal browser</a> or consider <a href='' onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/');">upgrading your Internet Explorer</a> to the latest version</div>");

    Remove whatever plugin this is telling them to upgrade their IE6 of change the onclick="..." to onclick='...' or onclick=\"

    This will stop the rest of the JS from running (including your jQuery theme .. which also has bugs)

    you can't embed " when you begin your string with " without escaping it with \
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3399870].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ak2000
      Ok thanks, so you're saying replace that Jquery code piece with yours?

      Next, when it comes do disabling any plugings that require the IE upgrade or have the onclick call, how can I tell which plugins do have the call and where the onclicks are across the theme?

      Sorry for the (many) questions of the uninitiated self...
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    • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
      I see what you mean while using Internet Explorer 7.

      It seems that some versions of IE don't like how you're using @import to load the stylesheets.

      Things should look just fine if you just copy these two lines:

      HTML Code:
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="screen">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="screen">
      ... and paste them before this code...
      HTML Code:
      <style type="text/css">
       @import "";
       @import "";
      .. so that all together, it will look like this...

      HTML Code:
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="screen">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="screen">
      <style type="text/css">
       @import "";
       @import "";
      It works fine on IE7 for me once I've done that.


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  • Profile picture of the author davidlieder
    I hate to disagree with everyone on here, but here is what you should do first:

    Don't start by editing the code, that is the last thing you want to try in Wordpress.

    This looks exactly like a plugin conflict. Actually, I've seen this happen before. It can also be a conflict with a cache plugin like W3 super Cache and some other plugin. Most plugins are developed on a voluntary basis so there are often conflicts that can crash some functionality on your page.

    The process to troubleshoot it would be as follows:

    1) YOU MUST TEMPORARILY TURN OFF YOUR PLUGINS BUT FIRST MAKE NOTE OF WHAT YOU ARE USING: Go to your "plugins" screen, turn the view of your browser to a low enough view that you can see a list of all your plugins, then take a screen shot and save it, or just write down a list of your plugins.
    2) THEN TURN THEM OFF: Select the "All" button and choose "Deactivate" for all the plugins.
    3) EVALUATE THE RESULT: If the problem goes away, then it is a plugin problem (a conflict between two plugins), not a theme problem, which would mean you should ignore everything on this thread that people have told you to do. In this case, you must slowly turn the plugins back on to watch and see if one will crash the site. Start with two or three plugins at a time and turn them on, and check your home page. If you use a "page cache" plugin then it should stay off until the last, because you want to see how your Wordpress is updating the home page. If you find that the problem comes back when you turn on a certain plugin, then you have FOUND THE PROBLEM. You will probably have to just remove that plugin and replace it with a different plugin.
    4) Even if my ideas are wrong, it is important that you do the above steps first BEFORE YOU EDIT CODE so you can eliminate the most likely possibilities of plugin conflicts.
    5) However, if the problem is still there with all the plugins turned off, then it is NOT a plugin, and it is probably the theme. YOU SHOULD NOT TRY TO EDIT THE THEME unless you have a LOT of experience with code, and then if it is an old theme or especially a FREE theme then just trash it and find a newer theme. You need to take a look at the theme publishing date and then what version of Wordpress you are using. If your theme is older than one year and your Wordpress is recent (like 3.0.5) then you should get a new theme, because if you have one problem with an older theme then you will have many. This can happen with older free themes because the original maker(s) do not have the money to update the themes to run with current Wordpress cores. If you decide that it is NOT a plugin and it is the theme, then get a different theme, such as buying a premium theme that has support and has been updated for current Wordpress cores. Editing an old theme will not solve your problem because Wordpress has gone through many changes even in the last year.

    Hope that helps.

    David Lieder
    Astral Universe Worldwide Media
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  • Profile picture of the author SmartWeb
    You are not including the style sheets properly. firefox is smart but IE is not. so you need to properly mention the style sheet paths and it will start working on IE also.

    mainly you need to modify these lines,

    <style type="text/css">
    @import "";
    @import "";
    <!--[if lte IE 6]><link media="screen" rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
    <!--[if IE 7]><link media="screen" rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->

    and put these lines instead of the above lines,

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

    In the worst case, we may better put all the style sheet code in the header.php itself.
    Just see warriorforum code, you will see they have just pasted their full css code in header instead of calling the filename.
    I am online on Skype, ping me if you need help.
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  • Profile picture of the author ak2000
    BIG thank you and well done to Smart Web who officially won the challenge

    It wasn't an easy task and I am very pleased that thanks to his great knowledge and helpfulness he helped fix the issue

    A BIG thank you to everyone else as well for your kind support and expertise in helping solve this annoying bug...THANK YOU
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    • Profile picture of the author SmartWeb
      Originally Posted by ak2000 View Post

      BIG thank you and well done to Smart Web who officially won the challenge

      It wasn't an easy task and I am very pleased that thanks to his great knowledge and helpfulness he helped fix the issue

      A BIG thank you to everyone else as well for your kind support and expertise in helping solve this annoying bug...THANK YOU

      Thanks ak2000 for the gift payment. It was a pleasure helping you. Thanks for being a great person.
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