WordPress Blog Optimization question (Cost/Time) etc) Thank you

12 replies
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Hello Warriors:

Hope the week is going well.

A few questions please if I wanted a WordPress Blog (new one starting from scratch) created for me and optimized so I only worry about the content and promoting a specific affiliate program:

What do you think the cost should be in American money?
What sites or individuals do you recommend that will be honest?
How long would you think it would take to complete everything?

Thank you as always and if I don't respond as quickly as in the past it is because of the current day job (not the cool other one writing/public speaking/marketing) having me first get home past 11PM.

May all of you be well always,
#blog #cost or time #optimization #question #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author dassad
    This one is easy:

    1. Depends on your niche
    2. Depends on your niche
    3. Depends on your niche

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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Thanks but that doesn't answer the question.

      I am attempting to ascertain costs not profit margin or traffic generation (my responsibility).

      Have a great Friday,

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    I am asking this just to make sure that you know your options:

    What about executing these simple tasks like:
    - buy a domain
    - get hosting
    - download the free WP package, unzip
    - run the 5-minutes install
    - activate the default TwentyTen theme: one of the best coded, SEO featured theme... way better than most of the paid themes!
    - start adding the content

    I understand if you want to outsource in case you don't want/like to do it. )I always outsource the graphic things because I hate doing them, for example.)

    Installing WP should cost you a few dollars, nothing more. They don't really "create" anything - just run the install and it's done in a few minutes. As for "optimizing" it... geez, that's where you will pay lots of dollars for things that they can't even explain to you.
    Do you know exactly what would you require from your contractor as "optimization" or you just throwing in buzz words?

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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Istvan:

      Thanks for the options. It is appreciated.

      I always feel it best to admit my limitations and don't mind paying somebody that actually understands the technology and the inner workings of websites/blogs. I rather go with my strengths (published author, writer, and speaker).

      If the outlay of cash isn't too much it is better to outsource and have a pro handle things.

      Enjoy the weekend,

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  • Profile picture of the author EvaBrown
    At first you need to make SEO frindly WordPress blog (to add elements that will help- you to make SEO ). Also you need create unique content and with the main keywords. I think all information you can find in Google search.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEK
    All in one SEO is a must for SEOing a WP blog, I would only pay $50 max, for a pro this task can be completed in an hour or two
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  • Profile picture of the author SetMyWebsiteUp
    Hi Craig, you can check out my website. I offer to set up Wordpress websites, install plugins and assist with SEO. The homepage has information regarding registering the domain, the best cheapest hosting and installation.

    Until I post more on the forum, you may find my site link on the "about me" page in my Warrior profile.


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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Bryan:

      Thank you for reply.

      I wanted to see your website but no matter what I click it doesn't give me any information at all (excluding how many posts you have made).

      If you can tell me how to get to the website without breaking any Warrior rules it is appreciated.

      I'm off the computer until about 11PM tonight.

      Have a great day.

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  • Profile picture of the author VegasGreg
    You question is a little vague to give an exact quote/estimate.

    I build a lot or WP sites for people and the price range can be from $60 - $1,000+++.

    Just to install WP with basic settings is quick and easy, but other factors depend on:

    --Custom graphics or stock,
    --Am I adding the content that you provide or will you be inputting it?
    --If me, how much content? 5 pages, 1,000 posts...etc?
    --If me, am I filling out the individual titles/descriptions/tags/keywords for the SEO for each page/post.
    --How many categories am I setting up.
    --Any special functions or needs that also need to be implemented.

    Those are a few items I would need to know to narrow down the estimated pricing.

    Greg Schueler - Wordpress Fanatic... Living The Offline Marketing Dream...

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    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      Hi Greg:

      Thanks for the reply.

      If I am not mistaken the original post mentioned I would take care of all the content.

      Have a great weekend,

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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    As said by another warrior, if you are looking for a WordPress installation, it should not cost more than $50 with a free theme tweaked for your website. On Fiverr, you can find people who will do this for $5, of course.
    >> Web Design, Wordpress & SEO - XtraPunch.com <<
    Web Design & SEO Agency | Serving World Wide from New Delhi, India

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  • Verena does very nice custom WP blogs using the Gazette theme by Woothemes, which has a number of monetization options, and she charges $147. If you provide your own content, maybe she will drop the price a bit.

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