Ecommerce site confusion!

by JulieJ
16 replies
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Hi Warriors,

I need to set up an ecommerce site for a client. He will be selling hoodies and t-shirts.
My experience is with Dreamweaver and Wordpress and having done much research on the WF, I am getting very confused as to where to start.
Joomla is recommended a lot, along with zencart, magento, cubecart and a ton of others.

My question is what order do you create an ecommerce site? And what exactly do I need? CMS, template, shopping cart etc?
Does Joomla do the lot or do I need individual bits that come together to make the ecommerce site?
I've read so much, I'm going round in circles.

Hope I've explained what I need - or am I just confusing everyone else :confused:

Any help would be much appreciated.

#confusion #ecommerce #site
  • Profile picture of the author JulieJ
    Sorry, also meant to add - need something that won't cost the earth
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesg3
      I have sent you a PM with the best suggestion for E-commerce made simple. I hope it helps.
      Serious Wordpress sites, html/css sites and flash sites Cheap. I provide killer SEO, easy to use e-commerce solutions and payment gateways. Check me out at Serious Website Design.
      Need Hosting with serious speed and power? 3.99 a month. Take a look here. Serious Website Hosting.
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  • Profile picture of the author mahesh2010
    You can use Magento for your websites , because it can provide best ecommerce solution and its best open source cart, having good futures, we are basically from ecommerce web development company. most of our customers are need Magento for ecommerce.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vanfenix
    check out

    I put that one together,
    If you get stuck, let me know,

    Also - you can do something like 1260 Patio Bistro Bar :: Home

    How many products does your client have?

    If you need a website, something cool, slick, and affordable - something with built in aweber, hosting included, extremely easy to use. Unlimited pages, Drag and drop functionality. E-mail me. vanfenix1 at || I'll set you up a site for 15 days to test out || Squeeze pages? no problem. Lightweight E-commerce? easy as pie. My Websites are not like you've ever seen. Try it today FREE!

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    • Profile picture of the author sunnychakes
      Magento could be quite useful for you where you'll get lots of features. It's also easy to use and I hope you can easily handle it for making ecommerce site.
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  • Profile picture of the author haymanpl
    Magento is regarded as the best for pure eCommerce

    However, i would stick with what you know and are experienced with.
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    • Profile picture of the author JulieJ
      Originally Posted by haymanpl View Post

      Magento is regarded as the best for pure eCommerce

      However, i would stick with what you know and are experienced with.

      I use WP with some great premium eCommerce plugins for WordPress that integrate perfectly

      I have also used these for clients and they work smoothly together
      WOW! Thanks for all the plugin recommendations - some good ones there I hadn't come across.
      Magento seems to be very popular!
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    For low budget projects: Wordpress + Getshopped plugin.

    Hands down.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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    • Profile picture of the author JulieJ
      Originally Posted by Fernando Veloso View Post

      For low budget projects: Wordpress + Getshopped plugin.

      Hands down.

      Thanks - will check it out
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    The get shopped plugin does have a few issues, but they look to be sorting themselves out now.
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  • Profile picture of the author anonymousG
    Avoid Magento.

    Unless you can afford to hire a specialist to get everything running the way you want it to.
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  • Profile picture of the author haymanpl
    Yes i agree and good point. Magento is a fine eCommerce platform if you want you rfull site to be eCommerce and you are an expert or prepared to pay.

    As a WordPress expert i have learned the hard way and would advise looking at a easy to configure shopping cart plugin instead.

    I use this plugin myself and it integrates perfectly with membership and affiliate software.
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  • Profile picture of the author wafflehorse
    Depending on the size of the site or how involved it turns out to be, we either go with Joomla with added plugins or we go with OS-commerce
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  • For my experience i would love to go with magento if you want to have a professional look with your site. But it really depends of which platform you are comfortable with since other platform also delivers good online store.
    Goldenspiralstudio, Best Magento Extension
    Free One-Click Cart Checkout v1.0.5
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  • Profile picture of the author cherryberry
    you can go for Magento as it has many flexibilities and it is very easy to handle and make the client satisfied.
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  • Profile picture of the author sang6iru
    use magento cms for ecommerce instantly, or you can use wordpress that made for shopping activity..
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