HELP PLEASE: Can I remove the dates from my blog comments like this?

8 replies
  • |

I'm using a plugin called myVideoPoster that pulls Youtube videos from whatever Youtube channel I specify and creates individual posts for each video on my site. It also pulls the comments from Youtube. Great. The problem is that it puts the dates of the comments and I want to remove those dates.

I already went through my theme editor and replaced this:

<?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?>
with this:

<!--  <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?>  -->
but it didn't work to remove the comment dates. So now I'm thinking it must be something in the myVideoPoster plugin code. I did the same search in the myVideoPoster plugins code but couldn't find the stuff to modify. Well, if its there then I just don't know what to look for.

Below is the code for the myVideoPoster plugin. Could some smart Warrior please show me what to do to modify the code below to NOT include the comment dates its pulling off of Youtube. I'm not a techie but can follow directions if they are in simple English.


Here is the code from myvideoposter/myvideoposter.php

Plugin Name: my Video Poster
Plugin Script: myvideoposter.php
Plugin URI:
Description: Automatically post videos on your blog.
Author URI:
Min WP Version: 2.7
Max WP Version: 2.9.4
Update Server:

== Changelog ==

= =
* NEW: Added a "Delete log" button to clear the log if user wishes it.

= =
* Bugfix: Problem with duplicate posts persisted

= 1.9.9 =
* NEW: Now set up individual categories for EACH FEED!
* NEW: Excerpt is cropped, no more super-long excerpts!
* NEW: When doing a manual run, you can see the time spent by the CRON
* Bugfix: Some servers had errors reading and saving images.
* Bugfix: Check for embedding failed after previous update (1.9.8)

= 1.9.8 =
* Fix for duplicate posts. Some specific server settings could result in mayhem duplicate postings!
* Automatic Database Update. You will see a warning that the database has been updated automatically.
* Posting log. See which videos have been updated. With a link to the post and the direct Youtube url.
* Quick Statistics. See a quick overview of when the first video was posted, when the latest video was posted, and how many in total.

= 1.9.7 =
* Now WordPress MU compatible!
* Attemps to trim the default RSS output data, "From: * Views:* Ratings: More in *".
* Cleaned up the Settings Page with better explanations and examples.
* Seperation of "Niche Researcher" from the Settings.
* Now checks up the latest 50 videos from the RSS feed (Maximum setting from Youtube).

= 1.9.6 =
* FIX: The problem with some blogs not automatically posting.
* FIX: Reduced memory usage.

= 1.9.5 =
* NEW: Comments are now checked for moderation before publishing.
* NEW: Notification added to the settings page if the WordPress options are not properly set for comment posting.
* FIX: Bug introduced with WordPress 2.8.3 : Posts not publishing properly.
* FIX: Tag limitation for tags is now working properly.
* NEW: Video Width and Height can now be set in the settings page.
* NEW: Publishing a post now triggers hooks associated, such as pinging, XML Sitemap, etc. Depending on which plugins are installed.

= 1.9 =
* NEW: Built in Niche Researcher.

= 1.8.5 =
* FIX: Duplicate post bug reappeared and is fixed.

= 1.8 =
* Interface text changes
* Now runs through all RSS feeds untill the target of target posts have been hit, or run out of content to post.

= 1.7 =
* Checks if embedding is disabled before posting (optional)


/*  Copyright 2009  (email :

    This plugin locates videos, and creates posts with the embedded code directly on your blog!
    A small javascript code is used from the FeedStats plugin (by Andrés Nieto),


// ### No direct access to the plugin outside Wordpress
if (preg_match('#'.basename(__FILE__) .'#', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { 
    die('Direct access to this file is not allowed!'); 

// ### Simple CURL function to download the central file...
function myvideoposter_downloadurl($Url){ 
    if (!function_exists('curl_init')){ die('CURL is not installed!');}
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
 //   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    $output = curl_exec($ch);
    return $output;

//### Function strips http:// or https://
function myvideoposter_remove_http($url = ''){
        if ($url == 'http://' OR $url == 'https://')
            return $url;
        $matches = substr($url, 0, 7);
        if ($matches=='http://') 
            $url = substr($url, 7);        
            $matches = substr($url, 0, 8);
            if ($matches=='https://') 
            $url = substr($url, 8);
        return $url;

// ### Returns a truncated string based on the parameters
function myvideoposter_truncatestring($string, $del) {
  $len = strlen($string);
  if ($len > $del) {
    $new = substr($string,0,$del)."...";
    return $new;
  else return $string;

// ### Checks for presence of the curl extension.
function myvideoposter_iscurlinstalled() {
    if  (in_array  ('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) {
        return true;
        return false;

// ### Returns keywords from Yahoo API based on $content and $subject
// ### Returns an array
function myvideoposter_returnkeywords($content,$subject) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);    
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('appid'=>'myVideoPoster','context'=>$content,'query'=>$subject,'output'=>'php'));
    $response = curl_exec($ch);

    $phparray = unserialize($response);
    return $phparray;
// ### Function returns number of minutes to human understandable format    
// Reference:
function myvideoposter_to_hour_string($MM)
                $str = $Hour." hour";
                if ($Hour > 1)
                        $str .= "s";
                if ($Min > 0)
                        $str .= " ".$Min." minute";
                if ($Min > 1)
                        $str .= "s";
        else if ($Min > 0)
                $str = " ".$Min." minute";
                if ($Min > 1)
                        $str .= "s";
                $str = "-";
        return $str;

// ### Base installation function for myVideoPoster
function myvideoposter_install () { 
    global $wpdb;
// Setting default settings    


//Function courtesy Dorphalsig at
function myvideoposter_arrayunique($myArray)
           return $myArray;

    foreach ($myArray as &$myvalue){


    foreach ($myArray as &$myvalue){
    return $myArray;


// ### Function returns RSS feeds for Youtube based on a keyword/phrase
// Used by "Niche Research"...
function myvideoposter_nicheresearch($keyword) {
    $url = "".urlencode($keyword);
    $file = wp_remote_fopen($url);
    preg_match_all("/a class=\"hLink\" href=\"\/user\/(.*?)\"/",$file,$match);
    foreach($resultarray as $v)
        $result .= "$v/uploads<br>";
    return $result;

// ### Function runs and converts the old format (a textarea containing feeds) to the new (database rows) format.
function myvideoposter_convertfeedstonewformat() {
     global $wpdb, $wp_version,$wp_locale,$current_blog;

    $blog_id = $current_blog->blog_id;
     $table_feeds_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_feeds";    


    $rssarray = explode("\n", $rsslist);
    $rssfeedcount=count($rssarray); // total rss feeds in rss array
    $myvideoposter_category = get_option('myvideoposter_category');    
    for ( $counter = 0; $counter <= $rssfeedcount; $counter++) {

        $query = "INSERT INTO `$table_feeds_name` (active,id,rssurl,type,targetcategory) 
                      VALUES (

        if ($rssurl<>'') {
            $success = mysql_query($query);


// ### The Admin options/settings screen
function myvideoposter_admin_options(){
     global $wpdb, $wp_version,$wp_locale,$current_blog;
     $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter";    
    $blog_id = $current_blog->blog_id;
     $table_log_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_log";    
     $table_feeds_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_feeds";
    $baseurl=WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)). '/';    


    if ( ($_POST['action'] == 'saverssfeeds') && $_POST['myvideoposter_rssfeeds'] ) {
        if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'myvideoposter') ) die("Failed security check");
        if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && current_user_can('edit_plugins') ) {
            foreach ($_POST['myvideoposter_rssid'] as &$value) {
                $rssid=$_POST['myvideoposter_rssid'][$value]; //Let's get the RSS id...


                $query = "REPLACE INTO `$table_feeds_name`
                    SET `active` = '1',
                    `id` = '$rssid',
                    `rssurl` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($rssfeed)."',
                    `type` = '$rsstype',
                    `targetcategory` = '$rsscategory';";
                if ($rssdelete<>'') {

                    $query="DELETE FROM `$table_feeds_name` WHERE `id` = '$rssid' LIMIT 1;";
                    $success = mysql_query($query);    
                    $rssfeed=''; //setting it to '' just so we do not run the update query as well.. kindda stupid, eh? :-)
                if ($rssfeed<>'') {

                    $success = mysql_query($query);                

            $postnowresult = "RSS Source Feeds Settings saved";
            if ($postnowresult<>'') echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . $postnowresult. '</p></div>';



    if ( ($_POST['action'] == 'postvideonow') && $_POST['myvideoposter_research'] ) {
        if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'myvideoposter') ) die("Failed security check");
        if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && current_user_can('edit_plugins') && ($myvideoposter_postvideonow<>'')) {

            $postnowresult = "<strong>Post Video Now</strong> found the following RSS feeds. <br><em>(You should verify their content before copy-pasting to the list of RSS feeds in the settings.)</em><br><br>$myvideoposterresearchlist";
            if ($postnowresult<>'') echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . $postnowresult. '</p></div>';


    if ( ($_POST['action'] == 'postnow') && $_POST['myvideoposter_postnow'] ) {
        if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'myvideoposter') ) die("Failed security check");
        if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && current_user_can('edit_plugins') ) {
            update_option('myvideoposter_last_cron', '');
//echo $notes."<hr>";
            update_option('myvideoposter_last_cron', $lastcron);
            if ($notes<>'') echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . $notes. '</p></div>';
            $savingsettings=TRUE; //We set it to true, so the tab will stay open...

    if ( ($_POST['action'] == 'clearlog') && $_POST['myvideoposter_clearlog'] ) {
        if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'myvideoposter') ) die("Failed security check");
        if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && current_user_can('edit_plugins') ) {

            $wpdb->query ("TRUNCATE `$table_log_name`;");

            $notes = "The posting log was emptied.";
            if ($notes<>'') echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . $notes. '</p></div>';


    if ( ($_POST['action'] == 'research') && $_POST['myvideoposter_research'] ) {
        $myvideoposterresearchlist=        myvideoposter_nicheresearch($researchkeyword);
        if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'myvideoposter') ) die("Failed security check");
        if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && current_user_can('edit_plugins') && ($myvideoposterresearchlist<>'')) {
        $myvideoposterresearchlist = "<strong>Niche Research</strong> found the following RSS feeds. <br><em>(You should verify their content before copy-pasting to the list of RSS feeds in the settings.)</em><br><br>$myvideoposterresearchlist";
            if ($myvideoposterresearchlist<>'') echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . $myvideoposterresearchlist. '</p></div>';


//Saving settings
    if ( ($_POST['action'] == 'insert') && $_POST['myvideoposter_save'] ) {
        if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'myvideoposter') ) die("Failed security check");

        if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && current_user_can('edit_plugins') ) {








            $temp= intval($_POST['myvideoposter_numberofposts']);
            if (is_int($temp)){
            $temp= intval($_POST['myvideoposter_crondelay']);
            if (is_int($temp)){
            echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . __('The options have been saved!', 'myvideoposter') . '</p></div>';
        } else {
            wp_die('<p>'.__('You do not have sufficient permissions.').'</p>');

//Loading settings...

    $myvideoposter_videowidth = get_option('myvideoposter_videowidth');
    $myvideoposter_videoheight = get_option('myvideoposter_videoheight');

    if ($myvideoposter_videowidth=='') update_option('myvideoposter_videowidth','560'); //default width
    if ($myvideoposter_videoheight=='') update_option('myvideoposter_videoheight','340'); //default width
    $myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding = get_option('myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding');
    $myvideoposter_addcustommetadata = get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadata');
    $myvideoposter_custommetadataname = get_option('myvideoposter_custommetadataname');

    $myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo = get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo');
    $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo = get_option('myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo');

    $myvideoposter_postthumbnail = get_option('myvideoposter_postthumbnail');
    $myvideoposter_postembed = get_option('myvideoposter_postembed');
    $myvideoposter_createtags = get_option('myvideoposter_createtags');
    $myvideoposter_limittags = get_option('myvideoposter_limittags');
    $myvideoposter_poststatus = get_option('myvideoposter_poststatus');

    $myvideoposter_isactive= get_option('myvideoposter_isactive');
     if (!$myvideoposter_isactive<>'') $errormsg .= '- myVideoPoster is NOT activated<br>';

    $myvideoposter_postcomments= get_option('myvideoposter_postcomments');

    $myvideoposter_numberofposts= get_option('myvideoposter_numberofposts');
     if (!$myvideoposter_numberofposts<>'') $errormsg .= '- You need to choose how many videos to post!<br>';

    $myvideoposter_crondelay= get_option('myvideoposter_crondelay');
     if (!$myvideoposter_crondelay<>'') $errormsg .= '- You need to choose how often to post!<br>';

    // No longer uses the old rss feed storage structure..
    $feedcount= $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(id) from `$table_feeds_name`");

    if (!$feedcount>'0') {
            $errormsg .= '- You need to enter some RSS feeds from Youtube!<br>';

    $myvideoposter_posteruserid    = get_option('myvideoposter_posteruserid');
    if (!$myvideoposter_posteruserid<>'') $errormsg .= '- You need to set which user to post as!<br>';

<div class="wrap">

    <h2><?php _e("my Video Poster v.$version", 'myvideoposter'); ?> </h2>
    <br class="clear" />
    <p><em>- A clever WordPress Plugin by <a href=""></a></em></p>

    if ($errormsg<>'') {
    _e("<div id='error'><p class='error'>$errormsg</p></div>");

        if (!myvideoposter_iscurlinstalled())  {
            _e("<div id='error'><p class='error'>The cUrl PHP extension is <strong>not installed</strong>. Please fix this. Before this is fixed, this plugin will not function properly!</p></div>");



//myvideoposter_convertfeedstonewformat(); // TEMP!!
            <div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">
            <div class="postbox closed" >
                <h3><?php _e('Post Single Video', 'myvideoposter'); ?></h3>
                <div class="inside">    
                <form name="form3" method="post" action="<?php echo $location; ?>">
                <table summary="myvideoposter niche research" class="form-table">
                <?php $nonce= wp_create_nonce('myvideoposter');?>
                <tr valign="top">
                        <th scope="row"><?php _e('Post Single Video', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                            <p class="submit">
                            <input type="hidden" name="_myvideoposternonce" value="<?php echo $nonce; ?>" />
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="postvideonow"  />

                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_postvideonow" value='' type="text" class="regular-text"/>
                                <input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="myvideoposter_research" value="<?php _e('Post Video Now'); ?> &raquo;" />
                                <br />
                                <?php _e('<p><em>Enter full URL of the video you want to insert.</em></p>', 'myvideoposter'); ?>
                                <?php _e('<em><p>Currently Only Youtube Videos are supported.<br>', 'myvideoposter'); ?>
                                <?php _e('<em>Example: <strong></strong></em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?>

        <div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">
            <div class="postbox open" >

                <h3><?php _e("Quick Statistics", 'myvideoposter') ?></h3>
                <div class="inside"><p>
    $total = (int) $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(youtubeid) FROM $table_log_name;");

    $firstdate =date_i18n(get_option('date_format') ,strtotime($wpdb->get_var("SELECT time FROM `$table_log_name` order by `time` asc")));
    $lastdate =date_i18n(get_option('date_format') ,strtotime($wpdb->get_var("SELECT time FROM `$table_log_name`  order by `time` desc")));    
    if ($total>0)     {
        echo "I published the first video on $firstdate, and most recently on $lastdate. So far I have published <strong>$total</strong> videos.";    
        echo "No statistics to display yet.";    
        if ($savingrss) $foldstatus='open';
        <div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">
            <div class="postbox <?php echo $foldstatus;?>" >
                <h3><?php _e('Source Feeds', 'myvideoposter') ?></h3>
                <div class="inside">
                Enter your source RSS Feeds and choose target category.</p>
                <p><em>(Only Youtube is supported at the moment)</em></p>
                <form name="rssform" method="post" action="<?php echo $location; ?>">            
                     $nonce= wp_create_nonce('myvideoposter');

    $sql="SELECT * FROM `$table_feeds_name` ORDER BY id;";        
    $rssfeeds = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
            <table class="widefat post" cellspacing="0">
                    <th scope="col wide"><?php _e( 'RSS URL' ); ?></th>
                    <th scope="col"><?php _e( 'Feed Type' ); ?></th>
                    <th scope="col"><?php _e( 'Category' ); ?></th>
                    <th scope="col"><?php _e( 'Delete?' ); ?></th>                    
    if ($rssfeeds){

        foreach ($rssfeeds as $feed) {
            echo "<tr>";

            echo "<td>";
            echo "<input name='myvideoposter_rssid[$number]' value='$number' type='hidden' />";
            echo "<input name='myvideoposter_rssurl[$number]' size='69'  value='$rssurl' type='text' />";

            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
    <select name="myvideoposter_rsstype[<?php echo $number;?>]" id="<?php echo $feed['id']; ?>" class="postform">
    <option class="level-0" value="Youtube">Youtube</option>

            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo "</td>";     
                    echo "<td>";
                echo "<input type='checkbox' name='myvideoposter_rssdelete[$number]' value='delete'>";
            echo "</td>";                             
            echo "</tr>";
      // Empty row at end of table...  
            echo "<tr><td><input name='myvideoposter_rssurl[$number]' size='69'  value='' type='text' /></td><td>";

    <select name="myvideoposter_rsstype[<?php echo $number;?>]" id="<?php echo $number; ?>" class="postform">
    <option class="level-0" value="Youtube">Youtube</option>

            echo "</td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo "<input name='myvideoposter_rssdelete[$number]' value='' type='hidden' />";
            echo "<input name='myvideoposter_rssid[$number]' value='$number' type='hidden' />";                                    wp_dropdown_categories("show_count=0&hierarchical=1&hide_empty=0&orderby=name&selected=$myvideoposter_category&name=myvideoposter_rsscategory[$number]");
            echo "</td><td></td></tr>";                              
        echo "</table>";

            <p class="submit">
                <input type="hidden" name="_myvideoposternonce" value="<?php echo $nonce; ?>" />
                <input type="hidden" name="action" value="saverssfeeds" />
                <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="myvideoposter_rssfeeds" value="<?php _e('SAVE FEEDS!', 'myvideoposter'); ?>" <?php if (!$myvideoposter_isactive<>'') echo "disabled"; ?> />
        if ($savingsettings) $foldstatus='open';

        <div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">
            <div class="postbox <?php echo $foldstatus;?>" >
                <h3><?php _e('my Video Poster Settings', 'myvideoposter'); ?></h3>
                <div class="inside">    

                    <form name="form3" method="post" action="<?php echo $location; ?>">
                        <?php $nonce= wp_create_nonce('myvideoposter');?>
                        <p class="submit">
                            <input type="hidden" name="_myvideoposternonce" value="<?php echo $nonce; ?>" />
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="postnow" />
                            <input class="button" type="submit" name="myvideoposter_postnow" value="<?php _e('MANUAL RUN NOW!', 'myvideoposter'); ?>" <?php if (!$myvideoposter_isactive<>'') echo "disabled"; ?> />
                        <table summary="myvideoposter options" class="form-table">

                            <form name="form2" method="post" action="<?php echo $location; ?>">                    

                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('ACTIVE?', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_isactive" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_isactive')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>If checked, myVideoPoster is active and runs automatically.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                    <td> ATTEMPT to post 
                                    <SELECT name="myvideoposter_numberofposts">
                                    for($x = 1; $x <= 5; $x++) {
                                        echo "<OPTION VALUE='$x' ";
                                        if ($myvideoposter_numberofposts==$x) echo "selected"; 
                                        echo ">$x</OPTION>";
                                    </select> NEW videos every 
                                    <SELECT name="myvideoposter_crondelay">
                                    for($x = 1; $x <= 22; $x++) {
                                        echo "<OPTION VALUE='$val' ";
                                        if ($myvideoposter_crondelay==$val) echo "selected"; 
                                        echo ">".myvideoposter_to_hour_string($val)."</OPTION>";

                        <tr valign="top"><th><h4>The Individual Post Settings</h4></th></tr>

                                <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Check first if video is disabled', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>If checked, each video is checked if its allowed to be embedded..<br>(Warning: Can take extra processing time, memory and bandwidth to check).</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Post Status', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <SELECT name="myvideoposter_poststatus">
                                <OPTION VALUE='publish'<?php if ($myvideoposter_poststatus=='publish') echo "selected"; ?>>Publish</OPTION>

                                <OPTION VALUE='Draft'<?php if ($myvideoposter_poststatus=='Draft') echo "selected"; ?>>Draft</OPTION>



                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Post as user', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                global $current_user, $user_ID;
                  $authors = get_editable_user_ids( $current_user->id );
                                <?php wp_dropdown_users( array('include' => $authors, 'name' => 'myvideoposter_posteruserid', 'selected' => empty($myvideoposter_posteruserid) ? $user_ID : $myvideoposter_posteruserid )); ?>
                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Post Video Width', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_videowidth" value='<?php echo $myvideoposter_videowidth; ?>' type="text" /><br /><?php _e('<em>Width for the video.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Post Video Height', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_videoheight" value='<?php echo $myvideoposter_videoheight; ?>' type="text" /><br /><?php _e('<em>Height for the video.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                        <tr valign="top"><th><h4>Post Comment Settings</h4></th></tr>

                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Include Thumbnail in Post', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_postthumbnail" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_postthumbnail')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>If you want to put a thumbnail of the video into the post.<br>(This does not refer to the Custom Field option below)</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>

                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Include Video in Post', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_postembed" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_postembed')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>Turned on by default, you can include the actual video in the post or not. This option is practical if you only want to show the video in a Custom Field.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>

                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Create comments', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_postcomments" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_postcomments')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>If checked, myVideoPoster also reads the latest comments and posts a random amount of them for each video.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?><p><em>All comments will undergo your current comment moderation settings (comment moderation, comment blacklist, etc) but you must turn off the "Comment author must have a previously approved comment" otherwise it will not work.</em></p>
                                <p>Current status: White listing is turned 
                                    if ($whitelisstatus==1) echo "<strong>ON</strong> (please <a href='/wp-admin/options-discussion.php'>turn it off</a> if you want to post comments)"; else echo '<strong>OFF</strong> (Good, comments can be posted).';                        
                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Create Tags', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_createtags" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_createtags')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>If checked, myVideoPoster finds relevant tags for each blogpost.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                            <tr valign="top">
                            <th scope="row"><?php _e('Limit to MAX tags', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <SELECT name="myvideoposter_limittags">
                                <OPTION VALUE='Unlimited'<?php if ($myvideoposter_limittags=='Unlimited') echo "selected"; ?>>Unlimited</OPTION>
                                for($x = 1; $x <= 20; $x++) {
                                    echo "<OPTION VALUE='$x' ";
                                    if ($myvideoposter_limittags==$x) echo "selected"; 
                                    echo ">$x</OPTION>";
                        <tr valign="top"><th><h4>Thumbnail URL to Custom Field</h4></th></tr>
                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Add Thumbnail Url', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_addcustommetadata" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadata')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>Name of the Custom Field for the thumbnail URL.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                        <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Name of Custom Field', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_custommetadataname" value='<?php echo $myvideoposter_custommetadataname; ?>' type="text" /><br /><?php _e('<em>Name of the Custom Field for the thumbnail-url.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>

                        <tr valign="top"><th><h4>Embed Code to Custom Field</h4></th></tr>
                            <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Add Embed Code', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo" value='1' <?php if (get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo')=='1') { echo "checked='checked'";  } ?> type="checkbox" /><br /><?php _e('<em>Name of the Custom Field for the embed code.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                        <tr valign="top">
                                <th scope="row"><?php _e('Name of Custom Field', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo" value='<?php echo $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo; ?>' type="text" /><br /><?php _e('<em>If checked, each post will get an assigned Custom Field with the embed code for the video.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?></td>
                        <?php $nonce= wp_create_nonce('myvideoposter');?>
                        <p class="submit">
                            <input type="hidden" name="_myvideoposternonce" value="<?php echo $nonce; ?>" />
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="insert" />
                            <input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="myvideoposter_save" value="<?php _e('Save Settings'); ?> &raquo;" />
            <div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">
            <div class="postbox closed" >
                <h3><?php _e('Niche Researcher', 'myvideoposter'); ?></h3>
                <div class="inside">    
                <form name="form3" method="post" action="<?php echo $location; ?>">
                <table summary="myvideoposter niche research" class="form-table">
                <?php $nonce= wp_create_nonce('myvideoposter');?>
                <tr valign="top">
                        <th scope="row"><?php _e('Niche Researcher', 'myvideoposter'); ?></th>
                            <p class="submit">
                            <input type="hidden" name="_myvideoposternonce" value="<?php echo $nonce; ?>" />
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="research" />

                                <td><input name="myvideoposter_nichekeyword" value='' type="text" />
                                <input class="button-secondary" type="submit" name="myvideoposter_research" value="<?php _e('Find channels'); ?> &raquo;" />
                                <br />
                                <?php _e('<em>Enter a keyword/phrase, and get a list of channel rss feeds for that niche.</em>', 'myvideoposter'); ?>

        <div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">
            <div class="postbox closed" >
            <?php $time=     gmdate("H:i:s", time()); ?>
                <h3><?php _e("Posting log (Last 50)", 'myvideoposter') ?></h3>
                <div class="inside"><p>
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `$table_log_name` order by `time` DESC limit 15".$options['limit'];

    $posthits = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);

    if ($posthits){
        echo '<table class="widefat post" cellspacing="0">';
        echo '<tr><td><strong>Date</td><td><strong>Youtube ID</strong></td><td><strong>Postid</strong></td><td><strong>Title</strong></td></tr>';

        foreach ($posthits as $hits) {
            echo "<tr><td>".$hits['time']."</td><td><a href='".$hits['youtubeid']."' target='_blank'>".$hits['youtubeid']."</a></td><td><a href='".get_permalink($hits['postid'])."' target='_blank'>".$hits['postid']."</a></td><td>".get_the_title($hits['postid'])."</td></tr>";

        echo "</table>";
                            <form name="form4" method="post" action="<?php echo $location; ?>">
                        <?php $nonce= wp_create_nonce('myvideoposter');?>
                        <p class="submit">
                            <input type="hidden" name="_myvideoposternonce" value="<?php echo $nonce; ?>" />
                            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="clearlog" />
                            <input class="button" class="button-primary" type="submit" name="myvideoposter_clearlog" value="<?php _e('CLEAR POSTING LOG!', 'myvideoposter'); ?>" <?php if (!$myvideoposter_isactive<>'') echo "disabled"; ?> />

        <div id="poststuff" class="ui-sortable">
            <div class="postbox open" >
                <h3><?php _e('myVideoPoster Credits', 'myvideoposter') ?></h3>
                <div class="inside">
                    $baseurl=WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/' . plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)). '/mywordpresssm.jpg';    
                    <p><?php _e('This Plugin was created by', 'myvideoposter'); ?></p>
                    <p><?php _e("<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='$baseurl' border=0></a>", 'myvideoposter'); ?></p>


           <script type="text/javascript">
        <?php if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '2.6.999', '<' ) ) { ?>
        jQuery('.postbox h3').prepend('<a class="togbox">+</a> ');
        <?php } ?>
        jQuery('.postbox h3').click( function() { jQuery(jQuery(this).parent().get(0)).toggleClass('closed'); } );


// ### Returns true if the youtube video has already been posted.
function myvideoposter_alreadyposted($youtubeid){
     global $wpdb,$current_blog;
     $table_log_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_log";    
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `$table_log_name` where `youtubeid`='$youtubeid' limit 1;";
    $posthits = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
    if (!isset($posthits)) return false;    
    if (count($posthits)>0) return true;
    if ($posthits){
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;


// ### Checks and verifies if the video is allowed to embed somewhere else...
function myvideoposter_embeddingallowed($vidid){
    if (!$vidid<>'') return false;
//    $thepage=strip_tags($thepage); // If stripping tags, the code is not always found..
    $pos=strpos($thepage,'Embedding disabled');
    if ($pos === false) {

        return true;
    } else {

        return false;

// ### Adding the admin menu to the WP-Admin interface
function myvideoposter_admin_menu() {
  if (function_exists('add_submenu_page')) {
    add_options_page('my Video Poster', 'my Video Poster', 8, basename(__FILE__), 'myvideoposter_admin_options');


//$youtubeid : unique ID to read comments from
//$posturl : the post id to post to...
function myvideoposter_readandpostcomments($youtubeid,$posturl) {
    if (!$posturl<>'') return; //Missing necessary parameter
    if (!$youtubeid<>'') return; //Missing necessary parameter
    if (get_option('comment_whitelist')==1) return;  // No comments are gonna be verified, no need to run at all!                                    
    $commentsurl = "".$youtubeid."/comments?v=2&max-results=".$randnum."&alt=rss"; 
    $time = current_time('mysql', $gmt = 0); 

    $feed = @fetch_rss($commentsurl); // specify feed url
    $items = @array_slice($feed->items, 0, $randnum);     
    if (function_exists('wpmu_create_blog')) $wpmu=true;
    if (!empty($items)) : 
        foreach ($items as $item) :
        $description = $item['description']; 
        $author = $item['author']; 
        $commenttime= strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", strtotime($item['pubdate']));
        $data = array(
            'comment_post_ID' => $posturl,
            'comment_author' => $author,
            'comment_author_email' => '',
            'comment_author_url' => $blogurl,
            'comment_content' => $description,
            'comment_type' => 'comment',
            'comment_parent' => 0,
            'user_ID' => '0',
            'comment_author_IP' => '',
            'comment_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
            'comment_date' => $commenttime,
            'comment_date_gmt' => $commenttime,
            'comment_approved' => 1,


        $verify=check_comment($author, '', $blogurl, $description, '', '', 'comment');

        if ($verify==true)  {
        } else
            //Debug: Comment failed moderation check for some reason...
    return $numcomments;    


function myvideoposter_trimstopwords($content) {

$stop_words= array("&","a","ii","about","above","according","across","39","actually","ad","adj","ae","af","after","afterwards",

    foreach ($stop_words as $word) {
        $word = rtrim($word);
        $post = preg_replace("/\b$word\b/i", "", $post);
    return $post;

function myvideoposter_array2string($myarray,&$output,&$parentkey){
      foreach($myarray as $key=>$value){
         if (is_array($value)) {
            $parentkey .= "";
            $parentkey = "";
         else {
            $output .= $value.",";
function myvideoposter_microtimefloat()
    list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
    return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

Credits: Bit Repository
function myvideoposter_remove_array_empty_values($array, $remove_null_number = true)
    $new_array = array();
    $null_exceptions = array();
    foreach ($array as $key => $value)
        $value = trim($value);
            $null_exceptions[] = '0';
        if(!in_array($value, $null_exceptions) && $value != "")
            $new_array[] = $value;
    return $new_array;

class myvideoposter_stopwatch {
    public $total;
    public $time;
    public function __construct() {
        $this->total = $this->time = microtime(true);
    public function clock() {
        return -$this->time + ($this->time = microtime(true));
    public function elapsed() {
        return microtime(true) - $this->total;
    public function reset() {

// ### mySEOStatus CRON JOB... (pseudo-cron)...
function myvideoposter_cron(){ 
    if (!get_option('myvideoposter_isactive')=='1') return;

    $last = get_option('myvideoposter_last_cron', false);
    $now= time();
    $target= ($last + ($myseostatuscrondelay * 60));
    if ($now > $target) { // Ready to run, either via CRON or posting an url.
        $stopwatch = new myvideoposter_stopwatch();  

        update_option('myvideoposter_last_cron', time());
         global $wpdb, $wp_version,$wp_locale,$wp_roles, $current_user,$current_blog,$allowedposttags;
          $table_log_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_log";            
         $table_feeds_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_feeds";
         $post_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "posts";    
         $postmeta_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "postmeta";    
        $timestamp = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());


        $myvideoposter_poststatus = get_option('myvideoposter_poststatus');
        $myvideoposter_numberofposts= get_option('myvideoposter_numberofposts');
        $myvideoposter_category = get_option('myvideoposter_category');
        $myvideoposter_posteruserid    = get_option('myvideoposter_posteruserid');
        $myvideoposter_addcustommetadata = get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadata');            
        $myvideoposter_custommetadataname = get_option('myvideoposter_custommetadataname');
        $myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo = get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo');            
        $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo = get_option('myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo');
        $myvideoposter_postthumbnail = get_option('myvideoposter_postthumbnail');
        $myvideoposter_postembed = get_option('myvideoposter_postembed');
        $myvideoposter_createtags = get_option('myvideoposter_createtags');
        $myvideoposter_limittags = get_option('myvideoposter_limittags');
        $myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding = get_option('myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding');        

        include_once(ABSPATH.WPINC.'/rss.php'); // path to include script
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `$table_feeds_name`";

        $rssarray = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);


        $rssfeedtrip=0; // the current rss feed processed out of
        $rssfeedcount=count($rssarray); // total rss feeds in rss array
        $letsbreak=false; // not sure, in case we wanna break..
        $rand_rss = array_rand($rssarray, 1);

// For posting under WordPress MU ... Remember to reset at end of script .. $allowedposttags=$oldallowedposttags;

        $oldallowedposttags=$allowedposttags; // Save it, so we can restore after we've run the cron job.
        $allowedposttags['embed']['src'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['embed']['type'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['embed']['wmode'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['embed']['width'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['embed']['height'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['object']['width'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['object']['height'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['param']['name'] = array();
        $allowedposttags['param']['value'] = array();

    while (($postedvideos<$myvideoposter_numberofposts) AND ($rssfeedtrip<$rssfeedcount) AND ($letsbreak<>true)) {
        $rssfeed = $rssarray[$rssfeedtrip]["rssurl"]; 
        $rsscategory=  $rssarray[$rssfeedtrip]["targetcategory"]; 
        $rsstype=  $rssarray[$rssfeedtrip]["type"];    
        if ($thequestion===false) $append="?max-results=50";
        $note .= "Looking for new videos in $fullfeedurl<br>";
        $feed = @fetch_rss($fullfeedurl);
        $items = @array_slice($feed->items, 0, 49); 
        $postedvideos=0; //set number of posted videos in this RUN so far to 0....
        if (!empty($items)) : 
            foreach ($items as $item) :
                $url   = $item['link'];
                $title = ucfirst($item['title']);
                $orgtitle = $item['title']; //Not modified title..
                $url   = $item['link'];
                $embedyurl= str_ireplace("",'',$url);
                $embedyurl= str_ireplace("",'',$embedyurl);
                $embedyurl= str_ireplace("",'',$embedyurl);
                $embedyurl= str_ireplace("&feature=youtube_gdata",'',$embedyurl);
                $embedyurl= str_ireplace("&fea",'',$embedyurl);
                $slug = sanitize_title(myvideoposter_returnuniquewords(myvideoposter_trimstopwords($item['title']),myvideoposter_returnuniquewords($item['title'])));
            $alreadyposted=myvideoposter_alreadyposted($embedyurl); //Has it been posted??
            //$note .="#D: ('$title') Status for already posted: ($embedyurl) $alreadyposted<br>";
            // If there was nothing found in the log, we check the post title, just in case.
                if (!$alreadyposted) {
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM `$post_table_name` WHERE `post_title` LIKE '%". mysql_real_escape_string($orgtitle)."%';";
                    $posthits = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
                    if ($posthits){
                    } else {

                // Check if embedding is disabled (if we have turned that feature on)                
                    if (($myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding) && (!$alreadyposted)) {
                        //$note .="#D: checking for embed. result: '$isembeddingallowed'<br>";
                //$note .="#D: alreadyposted siger: '$alreadyposted'<br>";
                if (!$alreadyposted) { // New post!!!
//                if ((!$alreadyposted) && ($isembeddingallowed<>false)) { // New post!!!
                    //$note .="#D: posting a new! - '$title'<br>";
            //Find thumbnail url
                    if (($myvideoposter_postthumbnail=='1') OR ($myvideoposter_addcustommetadata=='1')){
                        $imgurl= "".$embedyurl."/0.jpg";
                        //$note .="#D: looking for thumbs at $imgurl<br>";
                //Save and upload thumbnail

                    //    echo "$imgurl<br>";    
                        $data= wp_remote_fopen($imgurl);
                        $uploadresult=wp_upload_bits( $filename, null, $data, null );
                // Lets get the description
                    $desc = $item['description'];
                // If the description is empty, lets try the atom_content                    
                    if ($desc=='') $desc = $item['atom_content'];
                    $orgdesc= $desc;
                    $desc = preg_replace('#Author: <a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>#Ui','',$desc);
                    $desc = preg_replace('#Added: (.*?) <br>#Ui','',$desc);
                    $desc = preg_replace('#Keywords: (.*?) <br>#Ui','',$desc);
                    $desc= strip_tags($desc);
                //Trim 'Added: '             
                    $addedpos= strpos($desc,'Added: ');
                    if (is_integer($addedpos)) {
                        $desc = substr($desc,0,$addedpos);

                //Create and optimize tags
                    if ($myvideoposter_createtags=='1'){
                    //    $note .="#D: creating/researching tags.<br>";
                    // First check if there are some keywords in the actual description and then use those    

                        if (!$tags<>''){
                        // Get tags
                        // Convert returned multiarray to string..
                            if (is_array($tags)) $tags = implode(",", $tags);    
                        if ($myvideoposter_limittags<>'Unlimited'){
                            if ($tags != '') $tags .= ', ';
                            $tags = explode(',',$tags);
                            $showtags = array_slice($tags,0,$myvideoposter_limittags); // just keep the first specified number of tags
                            foreach ($showtags as $tag) {
                            $taglist .= $tag. ', ';
                        $tags = rtrim($taglist,', ');                                    
                //Trim 'Keywords: '            
                    $desc= str_ireplace('Keywords: ','',$desc);
                //Trim other stuff

                $desc = preg_replace("/From:(.*)?Views(.*)?More in(.*)?/s","",$desc);


                    $yembed= "<object width='$myvideoposter_videowidth' height='$myvideoposter_videoheight'><param name='movie' value='$embedyurl'></param><embed src='$embedyurl&rel=0' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='$myvideoposter_videowidth' height='$myvideoposter_videoheight'></embed></object>";

                // Define content                    
                    $content ='';
                    if ($myvideoposter_postthumbnail=='1') $content .="<img src='$uploadurl' alt='$title' title='$orgtitle'>";
                    $content .= $desc;
                    if ($myvideoposter_postembed=='1') {  $content .="$yembed"; }

                    $video_post = array();
                    $video_post['post_title'] = $title;
                    $video_post['post_content'] = trim($content);
                    $video_post['post_excerpt'] = myvideoposter_truncatestring(trim($desc),150);
                    $video_post['post_status'] = strtolower($myvideoposter_poststatus);
                    $video_post['tags_input'] = $tags; 
                    $video_post['post_name'] = $slug;   // THE SLUG!!
                    $video_post['post_author'] = $myvideoposter_posteruserid; 
                    $video_post['post_category'] = array($rsscategory);
                // Check if embedding is disabled (if we have turned that feature on)                
                    if ($myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding) {
                    //    $note .="#D: checking for embed. result: '$isembeddingallowed'<br>";

                if ($postedvideos<$myvideoposter_numberofposts) {
                // If checking for disabled is turned on, and we have determined it is allowed, then we post!                    
                        if (($myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding) && ($isembeddingallowed)  ){
                            $postresult=wp_insert_post( $video_post );    

                        else {
                    // If we don't care to check if embedding is disabled...
                        if (!$myvideoposter_checkfordisabledembedding)     {
        //                switch_to_blog($blog_id);

                            $postresult=wp_insert_post( $video_post );    


                // Reset the values we've used...
                    if ($postresult) {

                        wp_publish_post( $postresult );
                        $time=     gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); 
                        $query= "INSERT INTO `$table_log_name` (time, youtubeid, postid) VALUES ( '$time','$embedyurl','$postresult');";
                        $success = mysql_query($query);                        

                        update_post_meta($postresult, 'youtubeurl', $embedyurl); 
                        $note .="<br>New post: <a href=".get_permalink($postresult)." target='_blank'><strong>$title</strong></a> in the <a href='$categoryurl' target='blank'>'$category'</a> category (PostID #$postresult)<br>";
                    // Are we adding custom meta data?
                        $myvideoposter_addcustommetadata = get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadata');    
                        $myvideoposter_custommetadataname = get_option('myvideoposter_custommetadataname');
                        $myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo = get_option('myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo');    
                        $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo = get_option('myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo');

                        if (($myvideoposter_addcustommetadata) && ($myvideoposter_custommetadataname<>'')){
                            update_post_meta($postresult, $myvideoposter_custommetadataname, $uploadurl);  
                            $note .=" - Added the Custom Field, '$myvideoposter_custommetadataname'<br>";
                        if (($myvideoposter_addcustommetadatavideo) && ($myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo<>'')){
                            update_post_meta($postresult, $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo, $yembed); 
                            $note .=" - Added the Custom Field, '$myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo'<br>"; 
                        // update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value);  
                    // Are we making comments??
                        $myvideoposter_postcomments= get_option('myvideoposter_postcomments');
                        $myvideoposter_whitelisstatus= get_option('myvideoposter_postcomments');

                        if ($myvideoposter_postcomments) {

                            if ($commentnumber>0)  $note .=" - Added $commentnumber comments to the post.<br><br>"; 
                        //Something wrong with the posting of videos???


                    if ($postedvideos>=$myvideoposter_numberofposts) {
                            $allowedposttags=$oldallowedposttags; //Reset to old values
                            $note .= "Total runtime: ".$stopwatch->clock()." seconds<br />";     
                            return $note;

    $allowedposttags=$oldallowedposttags; //Reset to old values
    $note .= "Total runtime: ".$stopwatch->clock()." seconds<br />";     
    return $note;

//### This function removes duplicate words from a string
function myvideoposter_returnuniquewords($instring){
    $word_array = preg_split('/[\s?:;,.]+/', $instring, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    $unique_word_array = array_unique($word_array);
    $unique_str = implode(' ',$unique_word_array);
    return $unique_str;

// ### Not used as per v. 1.5 .. redundant..
function myvideoposter_get_images($file){
    $h1count = preg_match_all('/(<img)\s (src="([a-zA-Z0-9\.;:\/\?&=_|\r|\n]{1,})")/isxmU',$file,$patterns);
    $res = array();
    return $res;

// Add settings link on plugin page
function myvideoposter_settings_link($links) {
  $settings_link = '<a href="options-general.php?page=myvideoposter.php">Settings</a>';
  array_unshift($links, $settings_link);
  return $links;

function myvideoposter_settings_warning() {
    global $wpdb;
    $table_log_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_log";    
    $table_feeds_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_feeds";    

    if(($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_log_name'") != $table_log_name) OR ($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_feeds_name'") != $table_feeds_name)) {

        add_action('admin_notices', 'myvideoposter_settings_warning');
        if ( file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php') ) {
            require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
        } else { // Wordpress <= 2.2
            require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php');
        if($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_log_name'") != $table_log_name) {
            $results = $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$table_log_name}` (
              `time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
              `youtubeid` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
              `postid` varchar(8) NOT NULL,
              KEY `youtubeid` (`youtubeid`)
            ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;");    
        if($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_feeds_name'") != $table_feeds_name) {
            $results = $wpdb->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$table_feeds_name}` (
              `active` varchar(1) NOT NULL,
              `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
              `rssurl` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
              `type` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
              `targetcategory` int(11) NOT NULL,
              UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
            ) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;");
            //Update/move the fields also...
    echo '<div class="updated fade"><p><strong>myVideoPoster: Automatic update complete!</strong></p></div>';

global $wpdb;
$table_log_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_log";    
$table_feeds_name = $wpdb->prefix . "myvideoposter_feeds";    
if(($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_log_name'") != $table_log_name) OR ($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$table_feeds_name'") != $table_feeds_name)) {
    add_action('admin_notices', 'myvideoposter_settings_warning');

add_action('wp_footer', 'myvideoposter_cron', 2); // The cron!
add_action('admin_menu', 'myvideoposter_admin_menu');
$plugin = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
add_filter("plugin_action_links_$plugin", 'myvideoposter_settings_link' );
#blog #comment #dates #remove
  • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
    Comment date display is usually found within comments.php, depending on how your theme is written.

    The plugin is not at fault.

    Paste your comments.php code if you want, I'll tell you what to change.

    The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

    Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4034917].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author paulpalm
    I removed my post because I wasn't happy with it ;-) As you didn't reply at the time I posted I thought you hadn't seen it.

    I can see that what you have pasted now is not what I posted in the first place either.

    I simply recommended ....
    <?php // the_time('F jS, Y') ?>

    No stars, hence the php error of unexpected '*', I'm unsure how you got hold of that in the copy/paste process but these things happen. Ah! I know how the stars got in there, I used the red highlight of this forum sw to show you the bits of relevance, this somehow got converted to stars in your browser/email - strange, I will use color less now!

    Either way, I saw that the issue was already picked up by Steve as being related to your comments.php file. I can see this issue getting more in depth, which is why I deleted the post.

    Hope that clears up the confusion as to who the "someone" is ;-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4036571].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      There you are! Glad you're back. I didn't notice those asterisks being added. I even pasted the code you gave me from the notification email into a text editor before pasting it into the editor too! Strange stuff with php sometimes. Why did you disagree with what you wrote before?


      Originally Posted by paulpalm View Post

      I removed the comment becuase i disagreed with myself ;-)

      I can see what you have pasted there is also not what i entered in the first place either.

      I simply recommended ....
      <?php // the_time('F jS, Y') ?>

      No stars, hence the php error of unexpected '*', i'm unsure how you got hold of that in the copy/paste process but these things happen.

      However, i saw that the issue was already picked up by an earlier poster as being related to your comments.php file. I can see this issue getting more in depth, which is why I deleted the post.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4036619].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author paulpalm
    Wow! you reply quickly! I have edited my post since the one you quoted adding more detail ;-) Shall we delete these unnecessary extra posts now as they add no value to your thread?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4036660].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      What should I be searching for in comments.php so I can replace what is there with what you suggested? I used Command F to search for the_time but comments.php is one of the few areas of the editor where the_time does not appear.

      Thanks again.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4039965].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author paulpalm
    A different way to do this and thinking outside the box is to use CSS ;-)

    .comment-date { display:none }

    where .comment-date is the class name assigned to the date elements that are output in the HTML.

    However, this will simply remove all comment dates from visibility.

    For maximum control, the absolute proper way to do this is to create a filter for the core WP template functions... "get_comment_time" and "get_comment_date".

    You may need to read up on filters Plugin API/Filter Reference « WordPress Codex

    Good luck ;-)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4042629].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    I guess the problem has not been solved yet. So here I am:

    <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?>

    The above code displays the time of the post or page and works only inside a WP loop. It doesn't control comments.
    Comments are a different story from posts. You can find the codes controlling them inn comments.php and/or functions.php

    get_comment_date(), get_comment_time()

    The above are the two codes that output comment date and time. You will have to locate and disable/delete them. You can choose to wrap the comment date tag within some conditional tag so that these appear on some pages but not on the ones with you tube videos.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4042815].message }}

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