WP blog in a subdir and want home page to take on look of the blog

by 5 replies
Long story short... I have Wordpress installed in a /blog subdir for a 3 year old site, with a lot of history and links behind it. This was originally and old BANS site (yeah, I know...) and it uses a crazy custom theme that displays products on the home page, while all of the real blog content is kind of behind the scenes.

I want to separate this site from BANS and take this blog to the next level.

I know I can change themes within Wordpress, but if I do so, only the /blog pages take on the new look from the new theme.

I have looked into just going to a static front page and linking over to the blog, but I want that home page to be dynamic and updated with my blog content. I'd have never gotten into this situation if I had just installed the blog on the root.

Is there a way that I can still leave my blog in the /blog subdir, but have a home page on the root that:
  • Takes on the look, feel, and style from the blog's theme?
  • Displays a 'home' page on the root that would be a Wordpress page from the blog?
    That way it could be edited from Within WP-Admin.
  • Still show the sidebar that you would see within the blog, so that you could see pages, recent posts, other widgets, etc?
  • Still have that homepage display the blog's top menu?
I hope this is coming across right, because it seems confusing to try to communicate the situation. I've been just living with this situation for a while, and would like to try to take some action to remedy it.

Any recommendations appreciated.
#website design #blog #home #page #subdir
  • Hire a WordPress designer/developer.
    • [1] reply
    • The thought had crossed my mind, but I didn't know if there was a way around it.
      i.e. I had created an HTML page and renamed it to a .php, and added some things like:

      /** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */


      That was getting post content over to the 'static' page to make it somewhat dynamic, but I was missing out on the theme and formatting, etc. I wasn't quite ready to give up yet, but it just seemed like there should be an easier way than what I am going through.
  • I think I came across a plugin that would map all the old urls into a new one. It is usefull for moving the directory of a website to another directory level just like in your case.

    What is the format of your permanent links. Is it the default?
    • [1] reply
    • John, permalinks are %postname%.

      Thx Istvan, will continue to dig through it.

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