Easiest way to make many websites w/ wordpress?

11 replies
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Hi all,

So im starting an offline business where one of the things i offer to my clients are web page. From what I've understood wordpress is gonna be the easiest way to do this.

Now my question is, what would be the easiest way to make a page very quickly? Im guessing i should make an default web page that i modify as the clients want. So on what DB (do i need to use DB's?) should I make this default web page? Any links on this subject? What would you suggest me to search on google to find some articles on this?

Thanks a lot for any answers.
#easiest #make #w or #websites #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
    Use Jason Fladlien's Wp Twin

    Seems to be the ideal solution for you Walter.

    Watch the video to see exactly how he does this with his Wordpress sites.


    Mark Andrews...
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    • Profile picture of the author WalterW
      Originally Posted by Mark Andrews View Post

      Use Jason Fladlien's Wp Twin[/URL]

      Seems to be the ideal solution for you Walter.

      Watch the video to see exactly how he does this with his Wordpress sites.


      Mark Andrews...

      So where should I install the wordpress on to? To my host, or make a separate DB? Does it make a difference? Also can I clone the page w/o buying the product that site is offering?
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  • Profile picture of the author nelsonbiglar
    There have been a few WSO dealing with cloning wordpress themes. Me, I create one with a specific layout then I cookie cutter it by cloning it then I can just change images etc. I normally go from a photoshop PSD layout to the actually design... then I also have a template PSD or image file that I can make color changes and make other sites with. Of course each one might still not look entirely like its original.

    On the other side:

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Why do you want to offer something that you have no idea about?

    Shouldn't you first LEARN the thing you want to offer as a "service"? Otherwise it's just a disservice

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    • Profile picture of the author WalterW
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      Why do you want to offer something that you have no idea about?

      Shouldn't you first LEARN the thing you want to offer as a "service"? Otherwise it's just a disservice
      Thats why im here to learn.

      I have made pages before, I just want to make sure I do everything to make them more quickly and also get some useful tips on this kind of service.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick
    Why don't you google a bit and learn more about what Wordpress is ? And as Istvan said, you are offering something you have no idea about, don't you think you should know about it a bit more before offering a service like that. And after reading your post, I can bet you have no knowledge at all about Html, Css, etc..

    I don't understand why people in this thread are referring to some twin toy, and WSOs lol when the answer to the question is very simple.

    My advice to you would be...

    1. First decide what you want to do. You say you want to make a "web page". A web page can mean a single html page as well, for which you don't need to go through Wordpress.

    2. If you still think Wordpress would be the best option, learn how to go about it and how to do stuff in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Talladino
    Hey Walter, I have done a bunch of sites in wordpress and i will give you a brief overview of what i have done.
    You want to use a self hosted wordpress site, which means you have your own install of wordpress on your server. I would assume that you have your own hosting account for websites if you are providing a client with a website.
    I would go to domain provider, like godaddy , go into the domain managing and set the name servers to the hosting nameservers.

    Then go to the cpanel of your hosting company, create the addon domain URL, then go to fantastico and then wordpress under the listing of whats available in fanatsico. Click wordpress and follow the instructions and create the wordpress install. It Creates a mysql database automatically.

    So in regards to your question of a database yes you need one, but if you use fantastico it creates it for you , you can do it by hand by creating a mysql database, create a user, assign privileges and go into the wp-config.php file and input your database name,user name and password.

    If you never done that I would use fantastico!

    Then once done you log into the admin panel of wordpress, which is for example yourdomain.com/wp-login.php and go to work there. You can use a default theme or a premium theme, just remember if you decide to sell the site that if you use a premium theme you will need to buy a developers pack of the theme to legally sell it. I have been using the 2010 theme lately and tweaking it the way i want, then if i decide to sell it, I don't need to worry about a developers license.

    I hope this helps, wordpress does have a learning curve to it, as already mentioned a static HTML site is easiest. I would recommend using komposer and a free template, check that out, it is a free HTML editor.
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  • Profile picture of the author hanakuza
    if your hosting has fanstastico it can easily install wordpress for you. once you set it up just search for a good wordpress theme and choose ones that have customizable headers, backgrounds, etc so it can easily be modified to look like your own
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  • Profile picture of the author Talladino
    For anyone who is interested I came across a free 2010 theme that has mods done on it, it's called weaver, I haven't played with it yet , but I plan on it soon, it does look really cool. Tony
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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    The best place to learn WordPress is http://WordPress.org/codex. Warrior Forum is not the right place to learn how to make websites with WordPress. It requires a lot of time and effort, which is not possible in a discussion thread.
    >> Web Design, Wordpress & SEO - XtraPunch.com <<
    Web Design & SEO Agency | Serving World Wide from New Delhi, India

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  • Profile picture of the author Talladino
    I will agree that wordpress has a learning curve it took me many months to get the hang of it, If a person is just trying a single page website an HTML editor will suffice.
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