Why don't the images on my website display ?

3 replies
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I am not quite finished creating my website but I uploaded to the web hosting server already and I noticed the images aren't being displayed and their missing. I'm sure i've linked them right and i already uploaded those images to the server too. The link to the website is topdietreviews.net

I am also getting unsupported property behavior error on internet explorer but I don't know how to fix it . Anyone have an idea on how to fix this ?
#display #images #website
  • Profile picture of the author Dialady
    I'm thinking it has to do with your path. I did a page source of your page and the path to some of your images was:


    When I tried to get to the image, it worked at:


    You'll need to edit the HTML to correct the images. Usually a find and replace is the easiest and fastest way.

    Let me know how it works out!

    Theresa 8-)

    P.S. Don't forget to include a <title> tag that includes your keywords. . .will help with your SEO

    Tired of waiting for your webmaster? Install your own Wordpress blog or website with this $9 report with step by step Begin Your Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author FriedBassMedia
    I'm not seeing your images folder, you may want to check your image links again.

    I can link a few by linking them in the root directory "public html".

    Your images also appear to be linking to images/images/imagename.gif etc.

    What program are you using if I may ask?

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    • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
      Dialady is correct. All your image links duplicate the article directory name. Edit these links and you should be okay.
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