which logo for TeknoRhino.com ?

6 replies
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Hello everyone, newbie here... need help with deciding which logo to go with... Please see attached for pictures. For the poll, please vote (1) if you like the top image better; please vote (2) if you like the bottom image better; please vote (3) if you don't have any preference; please vote (4) if you think you can create better.

Thank you for your help.
#logo #teknorhino.com #teknorhinocom #vote
  • Profile picture of the author ClarkKent
    Bottom logo.
    Better branding as you can tell it's a rhino easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author awddude
    (2) Although I was touch up the rhino with some cybernetic feature, make a RSS type signal coming off his horn or something.
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    • Profile picture of the author teknorhino
      @awwdude. sounds like a good idea.. but I am not sure how exactly it may look like. Any examples that you can provide? thanks for your input.
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  • Profile picture of the author silentsal
    I slightly prefer the bottom one. The top one is a bit too abstract for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Inspection
    I like the bottom one - the less abstract image. I would make the image a bit smaller and maybe try a different placement. In between the main words or as the 'O' in rhino.
    Just a thought. Either way - the bottom one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Damon99
    I liked the second image. The look and feel is good. The first image is equally good but the line drawing don't give me an look like a rhino. If the lines can make up a good rhino, then it will look better!!!
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