Need wordpress advice

by 12 replies
I am trying to create an article directory on my website using wordpress. I would like to put it on a sub-domain and keep it Separate from my blog. The problem I am having is that the only way to do this involves creating another wordpress blog on a sub-domain page.

I really would like to keep it so I would only use one admin panel for both blog and article directory.

I was hoping someone here might be able to give me advice.
#website design #advice #wordpress
  • Im not sure exactly what you want but this might help

    WordPress › Article Directory « WordPress Plugins
  • @warriorclub Unfortunately, you can't have your cake and eat it too! Here are a couple partial solutions:

    1. Manual Subdomain Redirection:

    Create your article directory, and give all the articles a common parent category, i.e. "Articles". This category will likely get a slug called "articles", which can be accessed via "yourdomain[dot]com/articles".

    Now, through your hosting cPanel, create a new subdomain, i.e. "articles[dot]yourdomain[dot]com", and redirect it to "yourdomain[dot]com/articles". To be sure that its viewers do not enter your core website, you'll need to make some theme changes. Such as hiding/changing your main menu, and other core website links.

    2. WordPress MultiSite

    WordPress has an option that allows you to turn a single WordPress installation, into the support platform for an entire network of WordPress sites/blogs. It's this technology that allows them to run WordPress[dot]com. Multisite supports subdomains, and keeps things completely separate, while using the same database, hosting and WordPress administration. However, if your host does not support wildcard subdomains, you'll need to add the subdomain manually, as described in point 1.
  • make use of WordPress' multi-site feature. This allows you to have multiple websites with separate sub-domains or directories. This is what you need.
    • [2] replies
  • wordpress article directory is not compatible to work with wordpress multi site.
    • [1] reply
    • This is seems to be my biggest problem. Wordpress article directory isn't compatible with a lot of things. I found some one willing to do it for me, for what I think is a good price, but I still don't have the money for it.

      I was hoping there was a simple way of to do it.
      In any case, I am learning a lot by following up on everyone's leads. please keep it coming.
      • [1] reply
  • ok after watching a few wordpress videos on youtube I think a article directory using a template and WordPress Multi site might work. Just one more problem.

    none of the WordPress Multi site plugins, I am pulling up in google look like the one I need. Does anyone know where to find it?
  • Never mind, I found my answer by watching the same videos.

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    I am trying to create an article directory on my website using wordpress. I would like to put it on a sub-domain and keep it Separate from my blog. The problem I am having is that the only way to do this involves creating another wordpress blog on a sub-domain page. I really would like to keep it so I would only use one admin panel for both blog and article directory.