Is This Possible In WordPress?

12 replies
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I have a client who wants to have Wordpress admin functionality to be able to change images, text etc., but basically he wants to replicate this site:

David Nolan Gallery

Does anyone know if this is possible in Wordpress, and if so, how much would it cost for somebody to do it?

Thanks for any advice

  • Profile picture of the author zulfnore
    That is a Flash website combined with html/css sections.

    The flash part is not possible with Wordpress - they don't marry together well.

    The html sections can be replicated using Wordpress - could be as simple as finding a theme that looks, feel and fits the needs of your client to as complicated as designing a custom theme - again will depend on the look and feel your clients wants.

    PM me if you need more info on pricing/quote for the work.

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    • Profile picture of the author ItsChrissy
      Thanks for your input - I think I'll have to go back to the client and get him to reconsider since he's on a very small budget !
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    • Profile picture of the author blogfreakz
      Originally Posted by zulfnore View Post

      That is a Flash website combined with html/css sections.

      The flash part is not possible with Wordpress - they don't marry together well.

      The html sections can be replicated using Wordpress - could be as simple as finding a theme that looks, feel and fits the needs of your client to as complicated as designing a custom theme - again will depend on the look and feel your clients wants.

      PM me if you need more info on pricing/quote for the work.


      are you sure that the site is build in flash? the animation run using mootools I think... I'm sure it can be done using wordpress... try to post a bid in or elance... good luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author Karen Blundell
        Originally Posted by blogfreakz View Post

        are you sure that the site is build in flash? the animation run using mootools I think... I'm sure it can be done using wordpress... try to post a bid in or elance... good luck!

        nope it's flash...right click and you can plainly see that it is

        there are tons of great themes for photographers that have jQuery sliders that are just gorgeous
        check out Themeforest, WooThemes,
        or any other commercial theme recommended by here:
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  • Profile picture of the author andreisaioc
    its possible. But really drop the flash as is no good at all for seo
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  • Profile picture of the author pbarnhart
    I just did a quick review for a photographer - this is what I recommended. Take a look at the following premium WP themes that give a similar flavor to what you are looking for:

    WPBakery - Delicious photography

    PictureThis Premium WordPress Theme
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  • Profile picture of the author Walter Warner
    I don't think that you will be able to have the Flash type sliders within the wordpress theme but you can definitely style your theme to look sort of the same. You can use look up the following template: starkerstheme.

    It is a completely bare Wordpress theme waiting for you the designer to style it and make it look the way you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author frenchsquared
    You can make the flash stuff, if you have a great actionscript guy.
    I could do it... but why? it is not worth the cost.
    I would not want to do it, and you would not want to see the bill.
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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorForumFan
    I believe its in flash, there may be other tools that can simulate this effect but I am not sure. For the cheapest money and ease of use. Creat it in flash. If you want to keep cost down and you are going to create a lot of these sites, I suggest getting a paid wordpress theme (just search google) They can simulate this style and you can set it up yourself AND it will integrate with worpress giving you control to build it.

    also find cheap creators (programmers or designers or contrct website builders for cheap)

    at, tends to be expensive.
    I'm willing to lend a helping hand.
    I'm also looking for good JV partners.
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  • Profile picture of the author Walter Warner
    Wow Frenchsquared, way to contribute to this thread. You need an ego stroke?
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    • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
      Originally Posted by Walter Warner View Post

      Wow Frenchsquared, way to contribute to this thread. You need an ego stroke?
      And your post contributed to the thread how, exactly?

      He pointed out that custom programming actionscript is prohibitively expensive, which it is. *I* could do it, and I'd likely charge as much or more than FS.

      [the bold part is my own ego-stroking addition, I just felt the need to toot my horn]

      The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

      Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

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