Sortable Wordpress Sitemap Plugin?

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My Wordpress site currently is using the WP Archive-Sitemap Generator by NetCrunched. This Plugin is nice but only allows me to sort my site in categories of Pages and Posts. My site is over 100 pages now and I was wondering if there is a plugin where I can make categories to put pages/posts in. It'd be much more efficient for my site's visitors to view my sitemap and be able to find all of the pages on a certain topic at once as opposed to just reading through a long list of pages on all different topics. I'd appreciate any help or ideas
#website design #plugin #sitemap #sortable #wordpress

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    My Wordpress site currently is using the WP Archive-Sitemap Generator by NetCrunched. This Plugin is nice but only allows me to sort my site in categories of Pages and Posts. My site is over 100 pages now and I was wondering if there is a plugin where I can make categories to put pages/posts in. It'd be much more efficient for my site's visitors to view my sitemap and be able to find all of the pages on a certain topic at once as opposed to just reading through a long list of pages on all different topics. I'd appreciate any help or ideas