Please review my first site
My name's Mike, gained interest in web design and SEO after following SourceWave and alex becker.
I'll try to keep it short lol
- Sites about a month old - Niche I chose was snowboarding - Don't know what I'm supposed to be doing hehe |
Still, my Amazon products are snowboard related, but I can't sell any for the life of me...and I'm totally lost on how to get traffic. Hopefully my site design is ok..
So, how can I improve my site?
ClicProject -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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Vine Whip -
SignatureMy Filmmaking blog.You aware brah? PM me if aware. 17 year old affiliate marketer checking in. Always down to meet new people.{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6721828].message }} -
Istvan Horvath -
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