Grouping Code For SEO

by Banned 2 replies
Would search engines like it if I grouped my code together? I have many different javascript sections of my code where javascript opens and closes. I could put all of them into one section so that javascript only opens once. Would this help my search engine rankings? It seems like it would fall under the SEO category of cleaning up code.
#website design #code #grouping #seo
  • Youngsiteowner,

    Getting rid of spaces in your code can indirectly help your rankings. This applies to any files (javascript, css, etc.) By removing spaces in code, space can be reduced thereby causing website to load faster. A faster site speed is good for SEO. This may only have a margin affect if any on your rankings though. It promotes a good user experience more than anything.

    Here are some more tips for speeding up your website,

    15 Tips to Speed Up Your Website | SEOmoz

    Hope that helps,

    • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • Web page and title metatag optimization
    • Google Places implementation
    • Web Analytics installation and reporting
    • Email Marketing
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    Would search engines like it if I grouped my code together? I have many different javascript sections of my code where javascript opens and closes. I could put all of them into one section so that javascript only opens once. Would this help my search engine rankings? It seems like it would fall under the SEO category of cleaning up code.