Any Pros on Changing WP background color to bg image?

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I'm using the theme called vigilance. See my domain name blog in my signature if you haven't come across it. My problem is I want to change the background color to an image. I went into the css and edited the background, but nothing changed.

Can someone help with this?
#background #changing #color #image #pros
  • Profile picture of the author YiKeS
    Originally Posted by legitimatefreestuff View Post

    I'm using the theme called vigilance. See my domain name blog in my signature if you haven't come across it. My problem is I want to change the background color to an image. I went into the css and edited the background, but nothing changed.

    Can someone help with this?

    G`day mate,

    add this to your CSS File ...

    background-color: #EBF6FD;
    background-image: url('images/body-bg.jpg');
    Of course change the hex colour to what you want
    and the image name to your actual image name ...

    WSO --> HOMEPAGER <--- WSO
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  • Profile picture of the author articlemaster
    Yes ofcourse you can change in wordpress whatever you like just do one thing login to your wordpreess admin dash board and then go to theme editor section then open the style.css and replace the
    background-color: #FFFFFF;with
    background-image: url('images/your-bgimage.jpg');
    your problem will be solved and if you still facing any problem them then plz pm me, i will do it for u.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[704980].message }}

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