Twenty 10, twenty 11 themes

3 replies
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If I have my custom CSS can I use the above themes for my website? I want something highly customizable.
#themes #twenty
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Maybe you could start learning what themes are and how they work... to get an understanding what is it possible with them and what isn't.
    Using Themes « WordPress Codex

    Every theme has its own style.css file - its own "custom CSS" if you wish - and (mainly because of the differing naming conventions of classes and id's) you can't really mix a theme with a 'foreign' CSS file.

    If you have your CSS... I doubt that one is compatible with your dream of "highly customizable".

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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick
    You asked a question in another thread also regarding css and html....I think you should first start learning and understanding html and css, before jumping into creating themes...or even customizing them..

    it's sad that some of the marketers of WP products ( who don't know even a bit about wordpress) are preaching to the world that creating WP themes is "easy"..don't listen to those idiots..
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    • Profile picture of the author SqueezePageEngine
      I couldn't agree more. Customizing WP themes isn't the hardest thing in the world, but creating your own custom theme from scratch (or based on a framework) can be a daunting task.

      I would suggest starting from a framework or base theme. One of my favorites is the "bones" theme which you can check out here Bones - The HTML5 Wordpress Starter Theme.

      As suggest previously, you should definitely familiarize yourself with CSS and PHP before attempting theme customization. I think when I first started customizing Wordpress themes I stared at the code for hours just trying to understand it. Hang in there you'll get it, try hard!
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