Facebook comments plugin VS WP comments

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I was wondering if I should use FB comments on my blog or leave the WP comments. I know for sure that FB comments convert on lower scale (ppl don't comment much via Facebook).

However, on a product review blog FB Comments seem to add more trust to other potential buyers.
#comments #facebook #plugin
  • Profile picture of the author RobinInTexas
    It's easier to estimate the likelihood that a comment via Facebook has been left by a real person and not a fake/shill poster.

    The important thing is the total number of real visitors, and if your site engages them they will comment.


    ...Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just set there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gavan
      If you use Wordpress, try the DISQUS plugin. It has lots of great features and prevents SPAM comments.
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  • Profile picture of the author RenardNET
    I have FB comments on one of my sites with 5000 visitors and from them I have only few new comments daily - so as you said FB comments are rare. But still there is good reason to have it because you you will get some social traffic. I have only FB comments on site and disabled WP comments because I don't want to have spam comments. But if you want to have more new comments daily just for new content added to page than you should consider this too. Always you can have both or try something like DISQUS.
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