Website design collage education
I have been looking to get in to website design, and can't really figure out what classes, or programs to buy. I have looked high and low, and have even taken some single classes at the local community collage here where I live. The teachers at this collage I have gone to keep telling me I should take Photoshop, but I don't think this is what I am after (at least not right now).
So my question is, what or where did you learn website design at, and what would you say is the best course of action to take? There are So many areas out there, and you can start a collage course, or buy in to a DVD course only to find out you wasted your money on something you did not want, or need.
The program from Adobe I think I would like to learn is illustrator, because I hear it focuses on both Photoshop, and on the Dream Weaver side of things (correct me if I am wrong here).
I know about looking at you tube to learn things, but it is not very in depth, or starts like you already know the basics of things. What I am looking for, is to start at the beginning of the learning curve, to the end where I know my way around websites like the back of my hand.
Any direction would be of great help here, because of the vast choices in this area.....Thanks Ken
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