Review my Forum finding site (850+ big forums listed)

by brettb
11 replies
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Hi all,

I saw that had disappeared, so it was time for a new forum directory site. So I've built

I guess WF types will be amongst the biggest users of the site, so I'd like to know how I can make it even more cool.

Current features:
  • 850+ forums, many with 20,000+ members and 100,000+ topics.
  • View forums by category and sub-category.
  • See where forum is hosted, number of topics, members etc.
  • Shows RSS feed (if available).
  • List of forum keywords (useful for micro-niche site ideas?).
  • List of top 100 forums (these are killer niches!).
  • List of forum topics and sub-topics (currently for phpBB boards - others coming soon).
  • Alexa stats for the given forum.
  • See related forums (useful if you want to register for several related forums).
  • Search facility.
One interesting factiod: in the top 100 forums, make money online forums are noticeable by their absence. So there is more to making money online than starting forums about making money online ! Cars and gaming are the big players when it comes to $$$$ making forums.

By the way, if you own a forum or you don't see your favourite listed then submit it! Don't submit anything with less than 100 members though - I want big and well established boards that won't disappear overnight.

Incidentally, the site is built in Twitter Bootstrap and ASP.NET (C#) .
#850 #big #discussion board #finding #forum #forums #listed #review #site
  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Forgot to say that if you ARE in the making money/blogging niche then why not write a review of my site for your site? Thanks!
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    No comments? I must have built something great

    Anway, I've now added an Advanced Search including ability to find forums monetised with AdSense and those who want donations or sponsors. Why spend $$$$$ with AdWords when you can get traffic for $$?

    If a forum has a Facebook page or Twitter account then that's also listed now. These guys have huge numbers of followers, so they're useful to follow yourself.

    Finally I know 99% of people here only use the GKT or tools that use the GWT then charge you $$$ to use it, so here's some other ways of finding niches.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author kazango
    Good build, and a brilliant idea. Bookmarked.

    One thing though, I'm using a Netbook with the resolution set to 1024x768, there are some display issues with your website. The screencaps on the front page go off the page, so I need to scroll right a little. I tried zooming out and they popped into the box like they should be.

    I'm also having this problem with other various images as I navigate through your site.

    Maybe you should find a way to auto-resize those images based on screen resolution/display size.

    Not bad other than that, it's a great start - and I liked your FB page because it had 2 likes haha. I hope it kicks off for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesse Helms
    I like it thanks! there sure are some random ass forums where people are ingrossed in convo!
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    • Profile picture of the author donalbebek
      your site looks very nice and fast loading for me here.My opinion to add more green color to layout bar.Overal its looks nice.
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  • Not to shabby! looking to put my forum on there soon .

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Thanks guys. Yeah a geek friend of mine told me about the img.responsive tag I should have added to the site's images. Doh!

    I've added a forum server map. Is it useful? Probably not seen as most forums seem to be hosted in the US!

    I also found some code for ripping favicon.ico's and I've incorporated them into the site.

    One tip I'll give you is that the EXTREME SPORTS niche seems in want of more forums.

    And yes, there are all kinds of random forums out there. FindAForum's categorisation system is working pretty well now in that it's finding the relationships between crossover niches. I found a forum for CHRISTIANS who also like EXTREME SPORTS, so this is a good forum if you're in either of these niches.

    And by the way, I should shortly burst through the 1000 forums mark.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author TomVa
    GO RESPONSIVE RUN don't walk RUN THE WAY OF RESPONSIVE!!! Lol but nice site..

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Yes I need to learn more about responsive design. My site looks OK on a small screen, but the BBC news site looks freaking amazing!

    As to my site, I've added more than 1000 forums now. Most niches should be covered by now! Just about all the good forums that were on Big-Boards are on there. I've also found a neat trick for finding some interesting new forums to add. Big-Boards never got to ploughing through their huge list of submissions.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author cyqnusnite
    The site looks a little bit plain since it is basically all white, but seems to be very useful, especially for new forum owners looking for backlinks and help with gaining popularity for their own forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author brettb
      Yeah, I need to Jazz it up a bit. A criticism of the Twitter Bootstrap framework is that sites can look a bit samey. Actually I'm not a designer either :p.

      Actually the next stage is to collect statistics over time, then I can show which forums are getting more popular, and which ones are history.

      I also need to flag which forums are down or broken - which is harder than you might think :confused:. I guess this issue killed off as it ended up being full of closed down forums.

      And thanks to whoever submitted the last 2 forums. One was a bit small but I've let it in as the niche is good. The other was ranked at below 1000, so it was definitely worthy of inclusion .

      Watch this space (and my .sig!!!) because I am now building something even more awesome :rolleyes:.
      ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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