I Lost ALL My Xsitepro Files - HELP!

16 replies
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My computer died last week and STUPID ME didn't have everything backed up on my external hard drive. I have two sites I built using Xsitepro2 that are live but of course I lost the 'XSP Back Up' folder that was on my desktop.

So does anyone know how I can re-build this 35+ page site within the XSP program? Some are telling me that the only way to do it is by copying and pasting the code for each individual page one page at at time. Is there a faster way to do this?

I asked this same question at the Xsitepro forum but not getting much response so out of desperation I'm asking here because I know a lot of IM'ers use this program now...

Thank you.
#files #lost #xsitepro
  • Profile picture of the author BrainDance
    Hi Steve
    when you uploaded using XSP, is there any chance at all, that the program uploads the xsp files.
    when you say your computer died, that means what? did you lose your entire hard drive, or have it reformatted because of the problem? have you tried the temp files or done a file search on your computer for it.
    let me know about the death of the PC and I can probably help you.
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Originally Posted by BrainDance View Post

      Hi Steve
      when you uploaded using XSP, is there any chance at all, that the program uploads the xsp files.
      when you say your computer died, that means what? did you lose your entire hard drive, or have it reformatted because of the problem? have you tried the temp files or done a file search on your computer for it.
      let me know about the death of the PC and I can probably help you.
      I lost everything, meaning that the old computer fried and I had to take it back to Costco (because it was within the first 90 days) and get a brand new one. Got any idea's? :-)

      Thank you.
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      • Profile picture of the author magentawave
        Sorry to bug you again, but does anyone out there have any idea's about the best way to handle this?

        Thanks again.
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        • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
          I'm sorry I don't know a lot about xsitepro as I haven't used it.

          But what I would do in a situation like this is to download via ftp is that built into xsitepro?) use a ftp program some free ones are good. Paid ones are better like ws_ftp professional (cost me about £27 / $50)

          Once you have downloaded the files from your host, you then save them as your back up copy.

          If you would like me to try and grab your site(s) for you pm me and I'll see what I can do. I'm quite sure not all is lost.

          Kindest regards,

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          • Profile picture of the author magentawave
            Thank you for your help but apparently Xsitepro files are different than "normal" html files so the usual website copy program won't work for this and neither will I be able to use the files from my cpanel. XSP does use its own FTP program but it can't just upload one page at a time (I use Filezilla for all other uploading). It seems that the only method for doing this (since I STOOOPIDLY didn't have the XSP backup folder saved to an external hard drive) is to re-build the entire site by copying the html from each page and then pasting it into XSP. Yup, one page at a time, I have to rebuild the entire site. =:^P

            Thanks again.
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            • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
              Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

              Thank you for your help but apparently Xsitepro files are different than "normal" html files so the usual website copy program won't work for this and neither will I be able to use the files from my cpanel. XSP does use its own FTP program but it can't just upload one page at a time (I use Filezilla for all other uploading). It seems that the only method for doing this (since I STOOOPIDLY didn't have the XSP backup folder saved to an external hard drive) is to re-build the entire site by copying the html from each page and then pasting it into XSP. Yup, one page at a time, I have to rebuild the entire site. =:^P

              Thanks again.
              Ok, then so it sounds like it works like netobjects fusion, which to be honest is real pain in the peverbial!

              PM me your hosting account log in details and I'll see if I can salvage the site for you to import back into xsitepro. I have a close friend who is really kimo sabe on xsitepro2, I'll ask him to help "me" out for you.

              Kindest regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author rwil02
    Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

    My computer died last week and STUPID ME didn't have everything backed up on my external hard drive.


    Might want to look into something like GHOST to take full drive images

    Mine backs up weekly, and I rotate two external drives, so the most I can (probably) lose is 1 weeks work.

    Roger Willcocks
    L-Space Design
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  • Profile picture of the author tailrunner
    Steve - If you are willing to pay for recovery, (40 something), I have a complete solution you can do. I had to use it myself, and can vouch for it's effectiveness.

    There is a program called - "teleport pro" - basically it is a web crawler program and downloader! it will filter down to 5 layers or more of folders/data bases for any site you want it to - and copy them, the whole
    site top to bottom inside 'n' out and place it on your desktop in a neat little folder. I have used it on my site and it works. (as an added note it will copy ANY file extensions.)

    Just a thought
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  • Profile picture of the author Curt Dillion
    Sorry to hear this.

    I've had this problem in the past. You cannot download anything into Xsitepro. If you haven't used Xsitepro to back up your sites, you're just dead.

    I asked the folks at Xsitepro if this has been changed in the new version, and they said no. Their backup is the only option.

    You can download your sites with another program. I used Dreamweaver, but that does not allow you to put them back in Xsitepro. You also lose some of the functionality that is in Xsitepro.
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    • Profile picture of the author Darrel Hawes
      Xsitepro is great, but you've stumbled across one its flaws (in my opinion).

      It would indeed be cool if it would upload it's proprietary files to your server, or at least give you the option, whenever you updated one of your sites.

      This doesn't help you now, but take a look at Mozy. I have started using it and it would work great for you. Just have it set up to only back up the Xsitepro files. The free version should work fine, or you can pay the whopping $5/month for a pro account.

      Like the commercial says, "Set it, and forget it!".

      Darrel Hawes - Blog
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        You can copy your xsp site to your desktop or to a disk. But if you haven't backed it up you are looking at rebuilding the sites. If you have kept your settings it's just copy/paste (from text, not word) and a bit of time to reproduce the site.

        It's like any site - you need to keep backups. I keep a backup of all xsp sites on my desktop - but also a copy on disk. You can transfer the xsp version of your site and can publish also publish an html version (publish locally) of the site into a folder. Takes about 30 seconds to do.

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  • Profile picture of the author Pete Lauder
    It can be done.

    But only by doing a complete rebuild.

    Download all the pages, and graphics.

    Enter the graphics into the resource manager, then build the page layout, entering all your headers etc.

    Grab the html code from each individual page, and enter it into the html source page on the editor, making sure not to include the header and footer.

    Start here <tr><td class="XSP_MAIN_PANEL">

    And end here </td></tr><tr><td class="XSP_MAIN_PANEL_FOOTER">

    Do not include the above lines, just copy everything in between.

    During the beta phases of Version 2, I was in your predicament, and although long winded, this method worked for me.

    Good luck,

    Pete Lauder
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    • Profile picture of the author Jim M
      I know how you feel - been there a few times.

      If your hard drive has gone back to the retailer, then you can't even set up your old hard drive as a slave on your new system - so the only option really is (aside of any backups) to start from scratch.

      A word of note - I have set my xsitepro 2 settings to auto backup every day, which means that every day when I boot up xsitepro the system automatically prompts me to do a backup - can be a pain sometimes, but I know it's for the best in the long run.
      Jim Montgomery www.thepublishing.press
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      • Profile picture of the author magentawave
        Hmmm, for some reason I wasn't getting notification of all your responses until now!

        Backing up XSP is good and I was using it but it all goes away if the computer fries the way mine did. An external hard drive is good too and I bought one right before the computer died but hadn't set it up yet because I though it was impossible for a NEW computer to die!

        I now have my external drive set up and I'm going to subscribe to mozy.com in case my computer and external hard drive goes away due to fire or theft.

        I rebuilt one of the sites I lost so far and it went fairly fast once I figured out how to make the template again. Now I've got to start rebuilding the larger site (ugh!). It is especially a drag since I had just rebuilt that site in XSP before my computer died...but here I go again!

        Thank you for all your replies. XSP is very cool except for that one LITTLE detail they left out.

        Thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin

    I have just experienced the same issue!

    I noticed the last post on this thread was over a year ago.

    XSP has upgraded to version 2.

    Does version 2 have the ability to import XSP sites that you have uploaded onto the internet?

    My computer crashed and I had to reformat and I lost all my XSP files on my harddrive, but I have it online...

    Any help would greatly be appreciated!
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Originally Posted by jacksonlin View Post


      I have just experienced the same issue!

      I noticed the last post on this thread was over a year ago.

      XSP has upgraded to version 2.

      Does version 2 have the ability to import XSP sites that you have uploaded onto the internet?

      My computer crashed and I had to reformat and I lost all my XSP files on my harddrive, but I have it online...

      Any help would greatly be appreciated!
      Sorry but XSP2 still does not allow you to take an existing live site that was built with XSP or XSP2 and rebuild it back in the program.You will have to recreate the template in XSP2 and then rebuild each page of the live site one by one in the program. I like XSP2 so much that it is one of the few Windows-only programs I am using on my Mac with a virtual machine now, but it is still lacking that functionality. Can anyone explain why they don't allow that?


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