Dreamweaver CS3 Messing With Me... Please Help

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Can someone please tell why when I look at my site in the browsers they look fine. But dreamweaver cs3 puts all my div all over the place in wrong spots. It makes it hard for me know the final look until I upload to the server.
#cs3 #dreamweaver #messing
  • Profile picture of the author Dylan W
    I find that happens when I am using include commands. Is yours plain html?
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    • Profile picture of the author 56villages
      Yes, I'm using php include to include header and footer.php. And everything else is in div tags. Any suggestions?
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  • Profile picture of the author NetMan
    Originally Posted by 56villages View Post

    Can someone please tell why when I look at my site in the browsers they look fine. But dreamweaver cs3 puts all my div all over the place in wrong spots. It makes it hard for me know the final look until I upload to the server.
    It's simple, I guess you use much CSS, and CS3's view mode does not necessarily interpret all the latest css codes correctly in view mode.

    One must still know pretty well CSS and HTML and work with DW more as RDI than an editor otherwise the code could become rapidly messy and make your pages look very odd in some browsers. I highly recommend, btw, that you always check your pages in both IE and FF along the way you build your pages.


    Andre Foisy

    IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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  • Profile picture of the author ben_web-graphics-designer
    Cross Browser Validation can solve your problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    ben_web-graphics-designer - First, if you need posts to get your count up, try to contribute to the conversation. This is NOT a cross browser Validation issue at all.

    56villages - DW CS3 is not very good at displaying pages that have PHP in them by it's self. If you are using includes, you need to be a bit more creative with what you are doing to view the page.

    I downloaded and setup on my system XAMPP. This is a true web server that runs on your computer, just like a web server out on the internet. Next what you need to do is read a bit about it, but place all your files into the localhost mode of the XAMPP server.

    Now do your development from those pages.... And use a browser to load them and view them. I keep the browser open, make changes to the file in DW and then save them... The next thing is to refreash your browser and you will see exactly what your page will look like.

    Now, DW can be integrated to use the PHP server inside of XAMPP to make the viewing on the page available inside of DW.... I have had mixed results with this..... Sometimes it works fine, other times not at all.... You will have to see what works for you.

    Hope that helps you out.

    Have a Great Day!
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    • Profile picture of the author 56villages
      Thank you very much Richard for your help. I will try that. That's why I absolutely love this forum!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kezz
      Originally Posted by Richard Whyte View Post

      I downloaded and setup on my system XAMPP. This is a true web server that runs on your computer, just like a web server out on the internet. Next what you need to do is read a bit about it, but place all your files into the localhost mode of the XAMPP server.
      I hate to do the old "Yeah, what he said", but in this case it really does bare repeating. I use XAMPP for everything I do and it is awesome (and free). If you're doing anything with php at all, XAMPP is a must. So, um, yeah what he said
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  • Profile picture of the author linkbuilder
    I completely agree with Andre Foisy and you should follow him and hope you won't face any problem in future but i never faced such problem in Dreamweaver, I am using The Old Version Of "DW" its CS3 but its working fine for me.
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    • Profile picture of the author 56villages
      Originally Posted by linkbuilder View Post

      I completely agree with Andre Foisy and you should follow him and hope you won't face any problem in future but i never faced such problem in Dreamweaver, I am using The Old Version Of "DW" its CS3 but its working fine for me.
      Well, I'm wondering if maybe I have something set up wrong in DW cs3.

      I tried the xampp and I can't set it right. I installed it and put the files in the folder. But still not quite right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    You have to make sure the files go into the htdocs folder, or in a subfolder of htdocs. The htdocs folder will represent what you get at "http://localhost" when xampp is running. So, to view xampp\htdocs\yourfolder, you'll go to "http://localhost/yourfolder".

    Also, make sure that you have the right xampp modules running. For example, if you're doing something with Wordpress, you'll need to make sure Apache and MySQL are running.
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  • Profile picture of the author 56villages
    Got it thanks Kezz
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Whyte
    OK, now it is my turn... "Yea, what Kezz said"... LOL

    Now that you have XAMPP up and running and you have your files in the localhost dir, this should make your development a lot easier for you.

    Keep us up to date with how it is going and if you run into other problems... This is a topic that I think many members here on WF could benefit from. I have not seen much discussion about XAMPP or the benefits it offers to designers for free.

    Have a GREAT DAY!
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    • Profile picture of the author Kezz
      Originally Posted by Richard Whyte View Post

      This is a topic that I think many members here on WF could benefit from. I have not seen much discussion about XAMPP or the benefits it offers to designers for free.
      You know that's a good point. I wonder if we could get a couple of sticky threads going. One for handy tools above and beyond the standard Adobe set like xampp, and one for answers to common web design questions like "How do I get 100% height divs?". Then we can keep adding stuff like this to the threads it as it comes up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dylan W
    Having an environment based on Xampp (and before it PHPTriad) together with PHP & MYSQL For Dummies (!!!) are the main reasons that I was able to develop as a web designer, having had no formal training in IT.
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  • Profile picture of the author 56villages
    Great ideas! Maybe somebody might be willing to create a couple of quick and short videos about XAMPP for everyone's benefit here.
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