I want to learn Web Design does it requires special skills?

14 replies
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Hello my friends

I want to learn Web Design and be professional

does it requires high skills or any one can go on

how long the time should the process take to complete learning

what programming languages for web designer should be with him?

waiting for your advices please
#design #learn #requires #skills #special #web
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    I saw that several months ago you went to the "millionair makers" subforum and wanted to have success (and earning) fast and easy and free...

    Obviously, it didn't work out, so now you figured you'd become a webdesigner. Go figure...

    If you think, this will be easier and faster than doing CPA - you are absolutely wrong!
    There are many "web designers" - I have met (mainly online) a lot of them and even worked with some. Most of them disappear after a while for the simple reason they don't have talent. They don't have talent for design and they don't have talent for business.
    (Because even the most brilliant service provider needs to be marketed...)

    Instead of asking what skills you'd need - tell us WHY do you think you should be in the web design business?

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  • Profile picture of the author Jesse Kemper
    Being a web designer is easy, simply learn, learn, and learn. You have to be passionate about it to actually be good at it, and as stated below, you have to have some marketing talent(unless you have some pre-saved budget for a marketing team). You have to have a strong idea of business(I myself am still learning, and both business, and design, is a never ending learning cycle). You will never "complete" your learning. It is never changing, and you must constantly strive to find unique ways to present information, that will be intuitive but still friendly and easy to use/navigate, and to take-away the message that needs to be portrayed. And as stated above, this is not a "quick, easy, money maker". It will take years to be successful at it, and dedication. I've been learning for over 7 years and have only in the past 1-2 years started becoming successful at it and been able to branch outside of the amateur cycle I was stuck in.

    Wanna chat more about SEO, Web Design, or Graphic Design? Follow me on Google+

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  • Profile picture of the author Mido2013
    thanks for your replies

    for me want to be web designer for simple answer cause of the money

    in other words i want some money to invest in my dream of im but there is not money here! to get strong started

    so i decides to work as freelancer and provide some service that i love it already but i'm confused now to go on or stop here!!!!

    there is why i did this thread!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jesse Kemper
      Originally Posted by Mido2013 View Post

      thanks for your replies

      for me want to be web designer for simple answer cause of the money

      in other words i want some money to invest in my dream of im but there is not money here! to get strong started

      so i decides to work as freelancer and provide some service that i love it already but i'm confused now to go on or stop here!!!!

      there is why i did this thread!!
      Never stop. And if your not passionate about it, don't do it, if you are, then do it, whether your good at it or not. But to make money at it, you have to have a certain eye for design. I'll admit that at times my design skills definitely lack, and I have to seek inspiration from other designs as well. Don't be afraid to seek out and research successful design techniques, and when designing for a niche, look at other websites in that niche and see what they do that works.

      Wanna chat more about SEO, Web Design, or Graphic Design? Follow me on Google+

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  • Profile picture of the author Mido2013
    thanks so should i do it or wait for time? i hope advices from you

    thanks in advanced
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    • Profile picture of the author Yamaya36
      I designed my own website using software called rapidweaver. It looks very professional and I made it by just dragging and clicking certain images. I understand a lot of people learn code to design websites on wordpress. However, I just create my blog on wordpress and link it to my main site. The best thing to do is start by using point and click software, then you can move on from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mido2013
    yes good

    but i think professional designs and special requirements need to learn the principles of design and programming as i think
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  • Profile picture of the author azhar
    Originally Posted by Mido2013 View Post

    Hello my friends

    I want to learn Web Design and be professional

    does it requires high skills or any one can go on

    how long the time should the process take to complete learning

    what programming languages for web designer should be with him?

    waiting for your advices please

    Yes, you should learn web design, if you want become web designer. You have to do more and more practice and try to learn the web designing tools.
    Yes you should learn html, css which requires for web designer.
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    • Profile picture of the author nettiapina
      Originally Posted by azhar View Post

      Yes you should learn html, css which requires for web designer.
      Not necessarily. You can be a great web designer and let someone else built the site. That's usually how I roll, except that I'm the guy who builds the site. However, the more you know about the technology the better web designer you can be.

      Some renaissance guys are brilliant designers, graphic artists and talented technical site builders, but that kind of "multi-classing" is rare.

      Many people here are talking about web design, but they really should be talking about basic site building from templates. You can get money from the latter too, but please make it very clear what you can and can't do.

      Originally Posted by Mido2013

      for me want to be web designer for simple answer cause of the money
      Ok, so you don't really have passion for design. That's a bit poor starting point, but if you've got eye for it, that should be enough. So are you good with photo manipulation, colors, shapes, designing user interfaces, or something like that? Do you know you've got some talent that you can start building on?
      Links in signature will not help your SEO. Not on this site, and not on any other forum.
      Who told me this? An ex Google web spam engineer.

      What's your excuse?
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  • Profile picture of the author arianna143
    If you want to learn web designing then you need to learn first basic HTML and then proceed to the second level of web designing. You can learn it online but it is really very difficult so my suggestion would be for you to go some school or college to learn web designing and a professional web designing expert.
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    • Profile picture of the author MrMysteryBox
      I learned a lot through lynda.com They have excellent how-to videos. The cost of only like $30 per month is more than worth it. I would try it out first before dropping any big money on classes....also im a believer in "Learning Through Experience" rather than "Formal" training like college classes...
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  • Profile picture of the author sham2
    You can learn web designing in very small time. There are many website from which you can learn web designing. w3schools.com is the best option for you to learn web design. I use HTML and CSS for web designing and also suggest you that you also use this.
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  • Profile picture of the author texico
    I gave a try to learn by myself. It is not impossible but it will be pretty complicate to get a professional level.

    I would suggest to enrol in a web-design course close to your town and get yourself inside this world.

    I discovered a couple of them around my hometown but they are asking between 1.500 € to 3.000 €. I will see in the future if I have some extra-money to invest, I might enrol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Soloseller2014
    So you wan't to be designer its about how much time you spend .its about getting creative idea, its about knowing that what are the requirements of market and if you have good skill then you its about only 1 to 2 month and you'll be able to provide some small service.
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