How to automate news feed on WordPress?

4 replies
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I am trying to add an automated news feed to my websites, where this page of "News and Events" can fetch articles from web.

I have heard about wp-robot, I am looking for other viable solution?

Is it true, that using wp-robot can lead to SEO problem and make my website go down in Google Ranking

All other stuff on my website is customised, new articles and fresh posts.

Suggestions? :confused:
#automate #feed #news #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author darious
    Hi, you can download wordpress plugin called "Feedwordpress" it's free. Plugin will automaticly update your feed you just need to enter rss of site you want to syndicate and set up a schedule. It shouldn't lead to any problems with SEO.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marketer Matt
    I'd just chime in that you'll probably want to have a good amount of unique content to balance out the info you're pulling in from other sites. Rankings aren't everything, and you don't need 100% unique content to get them, but you will probably want to have some unique content
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