Where to take a recognized course online of web development?

5 replies
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Im from Portugal and I want to take a online course of web development.
An online course is the best for me because my job dont give me the permission to be free in terms of disponibility.

Anyone knows a good school that offers recognized courses online of this matter?
I need a course that be recognized worldwide.

thank you for your answers
#development #online #recognized #web
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Udemy has alots of different courses.

    On the other hand, you can learn "web development" (whatever that means in your head) just by rewading and doing.

    Finally, except big corporations nobody will ever be interested if you have a course or not. Clients (and more and more often even employers) are interested in what you are able to do, not what courses you have taken.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jesse Kemper
    Originally Posted by cdsemmegas View Post


    Im from Portugal and I want to take a online course of web development.
    An online course is the best for me because my job dont give me the permission to be free in terms of disponibility.

    Anyone knows a good school that offers recognized courses online of this matter?
    I need a course that be recognized worldwide.

    thank you for your answers
    Course, especially any paid course would be a waste of money IMO. I landed a pretty decent salary gig at an agency simply off my portfolio & solid communication.(Am still in pursuance of Bachelors as I never got to finish with my personally owned businesses taking off and my GF having our first child leaving little time too.) So just focus on learning through doing, reading and asking for help on forums(feel free to PM me yourself if your stuck on something). UDemy & Tuts+ have some decent tutorials on them for learning, but don't expect a Course to necessarily land you a job without having an actual portfolio of work.

    Wanna chat more about SEO, Web Design, or Graphic Design? Follow me on Google+

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  • Profile picture of the author cdsemmegas
    I will see more about udemy

    thanks guys
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  • Profile picture of the author WPcrew
    The closest to what you're looking for is lynda.com video tutorials. Go there, and get courses for $25 per month. Start with HTML & CSS, and then you'll see what direction to take.
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  • Profile picture of the author luvtrees
    You might look at W3Schools, they have courses which offer certificates, some of which are used by actual universities in their curriculum.
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