Help Desk with an Upsell?
I'm a private investigator and my web site is The Email Tracing Experts, Online Infidelity and Cyber Stalking Investigations and Reverse Email Search.
Most of the services I offer on my site are a flat fee but some are billed hourly.
The flat fee searches do not include consultaions. I charge $75 an hour for consultations.
Now some clients will receive the results of their investigation and have a few simple polite questions and I have no problem helping out and just chalking it off to customer service but then there are others that just don't get it.
Usually clients from the UK or Canada just don't understand the concept of billable hours for consultation or follow up investigative work. They seem to think they can get hours of follow up work for free.
I'd like to impliment a "Help Desk" program that would take the place of the "Contact Me" button. So when they go thru the contact process they would be warned that email consultaion is billable time. I'd also like to have them agree to these terms and conditions before being able to submit a question and also be prompted to enter their credit card information so there is no missunderstanding that email consultaions are billable hours.
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