by XDude
5 replies
  • |

I've been searching for an exit popup script and found a number of threads on this site recommending various plugins ... but none of them appear to do what I need.

I basically need a popup (not the old-style popup window, one of those lovely semi-transparent-black overlay deals) to display whenever someone exits a certain page on my site -- but NOT execute when people click the "Buy Now" PayPal button on the page.

It needs to launch on actual "page exit," not just "exit intent" - detecting mouse movement doesn't work on phones/tablets and forgets people who use keyboard shortcuts.

I'm using WordPress but can hack manually if required.

#exit #popup #smart
  • Profile picture of the author Robert02011
    I found one that works well for me and it`s free google excit rescue to get zip then upload to your wp site

    I`am looking for an honest legal business that can make real money online.
    I found one ??????

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  • Profile picture of the author venfrancis
    since you can hack manually, why dont you consider to tie it to session then? When the users click the buy now before exiting, tie a value to your session variable then just do conditional statement.

    UI/UX Designer + Frontend Developer from Philippines |

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  • Profile picture of the author Action Man
    nowadays most people are recommended to block popups?

    why bother, just give good content, Google will love you?



    "Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache" (Mae West)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9514637].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author venfrancis
      Originally Posted by Action Man View Post

      nowadays most people are recommended to block popups?

      why bother, just give good content, Google will love you?



      hehe +1 with this

      UI/UX Designer + Frontend Developer from Philippines |

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  • Profile picture of the author XDude
    I forgot to mention, I'm doing this for a client.

    It's a last-ditch effort to get visitors to sign up for the free ebook if they decide not to buy the $49 program.

    When I said "I can hack manually" I meant I have the skills to cut/paste Java and PHP and Frankenstein something into working, not necessarily do fancy session tracking stuff.

    Exit Rescue ... I appreciate the reply, but it doesn't seem to do what I need.
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