Hello and some specific help

2 replies
First off, hello! If you like helping newbie's I'm hear to listen and learn!

A little about myself:

Okay, So I am brand new to CPA/PPC . In the past week I have spent about 8-10 hours a day reading up on this. I have setup several websites and I have applied to several CPA networks and was accepted by two. I have focused on learning Chaudhry's material from his free guide.

Here's my questions:
I was thinking about doing two starter cpa campaigns, with a low daily budget on google. But before I do this I was wondering:

#1 - Can I direct link my PPC ad to the offers landing page? (One part of my decision process to the promotion is based upon the quality of the landing page) Chaudhry seems to recommend this unless the landing page is poorly written.

#2 - Should I be apart of more networks before I start any campaigns?

#3 - Not sure I understand the links given by the CPA network and how they would work in an iframe on one of my sites. IE do I use my affiliate link BEFORE it is converted into the product offer that appends my affiliate link or AFTER?
#first campaign #new affiliate #specific
  • Profile picture of the author lidango
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    • Thank you for your exact response JF,

      I see what you mean about feeling comfortable with a network. The first network I got accepted into my affiliate manager is difficult to get ahold, but he seems to know what he is talking about. The other network I am apart of my manager has been very helpful pointing to what is HOT.

      Stats Question: I know many recommend using prosper202.com but I am going through the learning center at adwords and it seems their reports are quite extensive. Is there a unique difference between the two?

      P.S. You run your own network?
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  • Profile picture of the author lidango
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    • So, tonight I popped my first campaign cherry.

      I researched my keywords, making sure they were related to my ad and the product I am promoting. I direct linked my ad to the landing page. The landing page is well organized and has a simple email submit. Unfortunately every single keyword for each ad group has a low score.

      I'm thinking it's related to the landing page?

      I was going to setup a keyword related domain and have an email submit and link to the offer?

      EDIT: It looks like the campaign only allows email and search traffic. So I'm assuming a link from a website I setup won't work? Bummer....

      Your thoughts on my keyword problem? ( I followed Chaudry's advice + Google AdWords learning center information)

      PS. And you are right, even if he knows something, the advice is only good if it's shared! :-)

      PPS. Thanks for the clarification on the difference. I will setup prosper202 on a domain that is connected to my first campaign!
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