2 Offline Ways To Get More Website Traffic

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Have you ever considered trying to sell your internet products "offline" instead of online? The kind of customers that you acquire offline are known to buy alot of backend products as opposed to your online customers. This isn't to say that your online customers are not of high quality... I'm merely saying that the people that you get from offline means are known to buy alot.

This can definitely increase your conversion rates. But sometimes, offline marketing can get a big expensive, so you will want to use low cost offline marketing strategies to make your website known. And you can do this in a wide variety of ways. In today's lesson, I will strive to show you some of the offline marketing tactics that you can use to get more online sales simply and easily. Here's tip number 1:

1) Advertorials

Since you are leading people to your website instead of a 1-800 number, it's important that you make your advertorial sound credible. Even all the way down to your website information you want to make it sound like an endorsement rather than an article or an ad. People can easily pick up on a sales pitch, so keep the content hype-free.

Plus, there are some people who do a good job at starting off strong with their advertorial, and then when they reach the end of it, it instantly turns into a sales pitch. This is something that alot of people do - even though they know better. So if you want your advertorial to work, you should strive to make it sound newsworthy.

A great way to craft an advertorial is to visit the press release sites on the internet. Take a look at all of the press releases that you see on these sites, and notice the good job that some people make when making their press release. Now on these sites, you will also find press releases that are simply a sales pitch. Just ignore these. Here's another offline marketing tactic that you can use to get offline visitors to your website:

2) Postcards

I love postcards. I love them mainly because they are so easy to market with, but they deliver a big punch when it comes to making people take action. There are alot of examples of great postcard designs on the internet, but all you really need to know is that it's best if you can briefly state your marketing message, make it sound personal, and make sure they know your website address so that they can visit it.

You can easily get a list to mail your postcard to by using something called the SRDS. The SRDS stands for the "standard rate and data service", and it's a great way to find very responsive lists who have bought something online within the last 30 days, and that go well with the product that you are selling.

I would take the time to search through the SRDS as soon as possible. And the more specific you get with your list, the more it will cost you. But this is something that is worthwhile if your product price is right, and the list that you targeted are sure to make alot of money.

Good luck with using these offline marketing tips to make more money in your online business today.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, visit here: Internet Marketing Secrets.
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