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Think Green 4 Life

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Posted 13th April 2009 at 12:51 PM by GT

Think Green 4 Life

Hello, Warriors: (Also on GT Bulmer Web Bizz Blog)

Well, I’ve finally done it; made the leap into true Niche Marketing. My first niche website just launched and needless to say, I am very excited!

I have a great group of online web biz mentors who have been encouraging me for quite some time to choose a focused marketing niche and begin pursuing it. I guess they got tired of waiting for me (and other marketing students) to get off the fence, so they simplified the process for us by helping us get started with professionally built, fully monetized niche sites.

My first niche website of choice officially launched on April 12: - It’s ALL about the environment.

With this new site, I show people exactly how to Go Green and help the environment. You can learn about important topics like these:

- What Is Global Warming

- How Does Climate Change Affect You? also highlights a few products to help the environment:

- Convert Your Car To Run On Water
- Home Made Energy – How to slash your electricity bill
- The Energy by Earth GREEN Power System – Highlighting solar and wind power systems

There is no time like right now for everybody to start thinking about Going Green. You don’t have to do everything at once; just take it one step at a time. Many small steps can make a lasting difference on climate change.

Take a few minutes right now to visit and learn about how you can Go Green today to help improve the environment around you and protect it for generations to come.

* Read the Web Bizz Blog post at Think Green 4 Life
* Visit my new niche site at - It's all about the environment

* The NEW Psychology of Achievement, Brian Tracy
* - Home Based Web Biz Opportunities
* GT Bulmer Web Bizz Blog - Web Biz News and Views
* Niche Power Group: Personal Web Biz Mentoring
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